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Thomas Alexander Bowden - May 09,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Any one know of, or seen, or have an opion of the Seastar. <a href="http://www.seastaramphibian.com/">www.seastaramphibian.com</a> <br />I have been looking to see what other kits are out there and this one seems like a great deal. $30,000.00 for a Quick build kit.      Attachments:  

Seastar Amphibian
Seastar Amphibian

Kenneth Leonard - May 09,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    There are at least two other seastars out there - one is a twin by Dornier that is gigantic and another experimental that has a turboprop driving it. All three have been discussed on the Searey technical site but I can't find the thread on this little one. If memory serves, the reviewer was not impressed and it didn't come close to the Searey in performance.     
Randolph Palma - Jan 21,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The design has actually been around for quite some time. Started out in France being called a 'Petrel' . Then with the advent of the four stroke rotax nine series engine it became the Super Petrel. For the last several years it has been made down in Brazil. The gentleman in B.C. selling the kits gets them from Brazil. About three years ago an engineer in Alabama supposedly was building one with an eye on becoming a dealer for this design here in the lower forty eight but I don't know where he is at with all that.<br /><br /> Intially I too was drawn to this design as it seems to be a lot cleaner design what with the engine being cowled and all (of course this is now an option on the Rey). But the tipping point for me was the doors - you can either fly with them or without them but you can't have it both ways. Having previously owned a Grumman Tiger I have always been a fan of a sliding canopy, especially living in Florida. The other point for me in favor of the Searey was the heavy availability of parts and fellow flyers especially here in Florida. I know what it's like from my brief foray into the world of LSA's to have an orphaned design - NO FUN. Just my two cents worth,<br />Randy     
John Robert Dunlop - Jan 21,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom, just check the FAA and Transport Canada total registrations and you'll quickly get the picture. Orphan it is!     
Philip Mendelson - Jan 25,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    a Tail dragger seems to be suited a LOT better to our out-back type flying. The support<br />you can get from this website, the Searey community, and Progressive is unmatched,<br />and worth its weight in Gold.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jan 26,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    OK you have done it. You have talked me back over to the Searey. <br />I put a deposit on one about 9 years ago, It was number 1MK250, I still have the Assembly Manual, but the Lake front property and house I built just for my dream of flying from my own seaplane base ended up breaking me when my girlfriend left me to pay the whole mortgage on my single income.<br />When I thought I could swing it again, I found the price of the Searey had gone up a lot from its $18,000.00 or 19,000.00 price that I had put a deposit on.<br />I started to see what else was out there. I liked the Glass Goose kits ability to buy it in 3 section kits. It seemed like a good way pay what you can afford and start building. But it looked like it was a hard kit to put together.<br />Then I found the Super Petrel/Sea Star and the kit looked very Quick Build, wings prebuilt, fuselage assembled and it looked more like a real finished composite plane and the price was less that the Searey. I always thought of the Searey as a 2 seat ultralight with the all that exposed tubing in the interior.<br />I must admit that the interior of the new LSX makes it look less like an ultralight.<br />I wish I had the money to put a deposit on one before January 31 when the price goes up another $2000.00. <br />Oh well, I guess all the price increases over the years pay for the improvements.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jan 30,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I did it!!! You talked me into it!!!! I put a deposit on a LSX Kit. Although I probably wont take delivery for a year and take another year to build it. I hope I get to meet you guys. <br />If you fly near Umatilla, Florida, I am on Island Lake east shore with the boat ramp next to the flag pole. Its the lake with the island in the middle, north west of town on Keene Road.     
Dan Nickens - Jan 31,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Congratulations, Thomas. Now you're gonna have some fun.     

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