Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jul 07,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I do not have a plane yet, but have been checking other Amphipian kit planes to see what's out there. I like the Seastar from AAC Amphipian Airplanes of Canada, <a href="http://www.seastaramphipian.com/">www.seastaramphipian.com</a> And the kit looks like a quick build for about $30,000.00 US. Which seems like a better deal than the $28,000.00 Sea Rey. <br />Did you look into any Canadain kits before going Sea Rey? Did you know about the Seastar and or look into it? If so, Why did you not go with the Seastar? <br />I havent been able to talk with any one that has built a Seastar or Glass Goose which is the other kit thats about $30,000.00<br />Any help would be great. Thanks.     
John Robert Dunlop - Jul 07,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    The Seastar kit is actually manufactured by EDRA AERONAUTICA in Brasil. I believe one broke a tail boom several years ago at Oshkosh and crashed. Very few have actually been registered in the US or Canada. I would be very carefull about this young lady!     
Dave Edward - Jul 09,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I looked at both those a/c and a few others. To me, the SeaRey....for the $$$...is the best choice available at the present time. If I had ' the new..improved...super duper hull ', I would grab a soapbox to preach. You may want to talk to Larry Woods about his A-24. A great airplane but check with Larry for price and availability.<br />Where are you domiciled Thomas?     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jul 10,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I live in Umatilla Florida in north Lake County near Leesburg. It about an hour north of Orlando. I have been to the Sea Rey Shop many times and have seen them being built in many stages. I even put a deposit on one in 1999 when the kit was less than $19,000.00, but had money troubles and had to get it back. But the price increases sence then has put it up with the Glass Goose and the Super Petrel/Seastar which look to be a more substantsal airplanes, more for your money, better resale vaule.<br />I see the Sea Rey as a 2 place Ultralight with a fiberglass shell whereas the Super Petrel/Seastar is or seems to be a real airplane (please don't hit me, my opioin only) <br />and the kit is a true Quik Build kit with wings ready to cover. See for your self. <a href="http://www.seastaramphibian.com/">www.seastaramphibian.com</a> ,and at $28,000.00 its a better value as far as I can see.<br />I just want to see if you guys had looked into the Super Petrel/Seastar before you picked the Sea Rey or even knew about it. <br />I still may get a Sea Rey but I think they are pricing them self out of the market if you can get better kits for the same price.<br />By the way, I found a US Dealer in Alabama and is only 10 hours drive away. <a href="http://www.superpetrelamphibian.com/">www.superpetrelamphibian.com</a>     
Don Maxwell - Jul 10,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Thomas, I was initially interested in both the SeaStar and the Glass Goose. However, I couldn't find that anyone had actually completed a Glass Goose, and although there were a number of SeaStars flying, I'd never seen one in the USA, and as John said above there was a problem with the integrity of the tail boom. Ten years later I still haven't seen either airplane fly.<br /><br />On the other hand, there are hundreds of SeaReys flying in the US and many other countries. It's a solid, reliable, proven airplane. The kit price has gone up, yes, but only at about the general rate of inflation, so in effect it's no more expensive now than ten years ago.<br /><br />But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go for a demo ride in a SeaStar. It might turn out to be just what you're looking for, and in any case, we'd all be interested in a pirep about it.     
Lee Pfingston - Jul 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Maybe another litmus test should be applied beyond sex appeal, and way beyond dollar appeal. Close your eyes, vizualize the aircraft upside down, then add water!<br />Too many searey have been such, but even the pilots do not blame the aircraft. Our searey has shown fantastic survivability! And with 450 units out ther, ZERO structural failures.Think about clamshell canopies or F-16 canopies resting on the mud in shallow water. Look at the structure of these few-in-the-field aircraft and do an in the trees scenario.     
Philip Mendelson - Jul 11,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Thomas, I looked at a lot of Seaplanes before I purchased my Searey, I found the Searey to be a proven Aircraft.Dan Nickens and a host of other great pilots have logged<br />tens of thousands of hours in this design over the last eleven years. Joe Friend. Rob Reiche, and many others have TEN plus years in these aircraft. I felt this was very very<br />important. In addition Progressive is literally in our back yard, when you need parts, or just some help, Carey, Paige are right their! They will also help you with Transition training, which everyone will agree is invaluable. If you are interested you will also find almost thirty flying Seareys in Central Florida alone.On any given weekend you can hook up with fellow Seareyers, and take some very interesting flights. All in all after owning a Searey for almost five years, I would STRONGLY suggest you buy one and JOIN the FUN!!!     
Frank A. Carr - Jul 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    As for the "price of kits" my experience suggests that the kit price is like the ticket to the Movies. Once inside there's the popcorn, nachos, and drinks. My rule of thumb: Basic Airplane$ = 2 x Kit$ (excluding glass cockpits).<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     

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