Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 119,Flying Fun

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Don Maxwell - Jul 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ohhh! After years of the tedium of building and flying my SeaRey amphibious seaplane rightside up--and a full dozen years since I last did any aerobatics--it was time for a refresher! So I went flying with acro instructor Adam Cope in his Super Decathlon and did a few loops and various kinds of rolls. <br /><br />My plan was not to get good at anything, but just to have some fun and learn to do a barrel roll. I'd never tried one before. That plan worked out fine.<br /><br />Unfortunately, I couldn't find a really good location for the camera. It had to be out of the way while flying and survive 3 or 4 g's positive and negative without coming loose. The only place I could find was the left shoulder strap of my parachute harness. That meant it was below the top of the instrument panel, pointing up and forward through the windscreen. And that meant that all it showed most of the time was sky. Except, of course, when the ground was in that direction. So you'll see some aerobatics in the video, but the view isn't what I'd hoped for. Next time I'll try to mount it higher in the airplane.<br /><br />But for now I'm back to flying the SeaRey, landing on the water, step-taxiing, beaching, and other mundane flying chores. Tsk!<br /><br />Here's the video, such as it is: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55O1ziTnlKM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55O1ziTnlKM</a><br /><br />P.S. Find Adam Cope here: <a href="http://aerobaticman.tripod.com/index.html">http://aerobaticman.tripod.com/index.html</a>     
Charles Pickett - Jul 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Have you rolled the SeaRey yet     
Don Maxwell - Jul 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Nope. It's tempting, but I'm probably not good enough to do it safely.     
John McLeroy - Jul 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    The energy retention for most of the standard acro maneuvers is too poor to be done in a classic Searey. It just falls off halfway through most of the turns. The LSX wing retains it much better. I don't recommend anything other than &lt;60deg bank rolls and &lt;30 pitch attitudes in any type of non-standard manuevering and ONLY if you're perfectly coordinated. Otherwise, it's a good way to lose control of a perfectly good day of flying and having fun.<br />You don't have to do anything to look cool flying a Searey except showing up on the ramp! Straight and level does the trick every time!     
Don Maxwell - Jul 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Not to get too technical here, John--but a Classic SeaRey will do wingovers and chandelles very nicely. They're not aerobatic maneuvers, of course, but when done properly they're not particularly stressful. (<I>Properly!</I> Loops and barrel rolls are theoretically possible, but are problematic because the engine won't run inverted, and as far as I know the airframe has not been tested for them.<P>On the other hand, I agree with your concern and don't recommend doing aerobatics in any SeaRey.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Charles Pickett - Jul 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    John; Don knows<br />My comment was a joke I have owned both airplanes and never ever came close to thinking about trying acro in the SeaRey<br />I just sold my Decathlon and SeaRey and have a new Legend Cub on amphib floats and won't roll that     
Mike Dupont - Jul 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I'll probably roll your cub     
Don Maxwell - Jul 27,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Me, too, Mike. The thing is, would you roll it if it were yours?     
Charles Pickett - Jul 27,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Don<br />He would     
Don Maxwell - Jul 27,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Will you?     
Charles Pickett - Jul 28,2011   Viewers  | Reply

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