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Mark Alan MacKinnon - Apr 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    This kinda goes in the 'oh by the way' catagory.<br /><br />Tuesday evening, after Sun&amp;Fun, I was driving back east on I-4 in Orange County when I suddenly had a Florida Highway Patrol officer right on my back bumper, lights flashing and siren wailing like he was after a suspected murderer. I pulled over to learn I was stopped for 'improper change of lane' - not using my turn signals before changing lanes. During all my driving down from the northeast, I rarely saw anyone use turn signals and never gave it a thought. Anyway, after his lecture about all the accidents on I-4, I thought I was only going to get a warning. No, I got a $164 TICKET.<br /><br />Someone mentioned that probably he was going after out-of-state plates. I'd hate to think that was the case, but I find it difficult to justify getting that kind of ticket for a relatively innocuous infraction.<br /><br />So, if you're traveling on I-4, USE YOUR BLINKERS.     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    It was out of state plates. None in Tampa ever uses blinkers and I've never heard of anyone getting pulled over for it, much less a ticket. It was an excuse to pull you over so he could find something else to ding you on. Contest it all the way. As a matter of fact, demand that the court show you someone else with in-state plates who was ticketed for only that. Tell the court there is a clear interference with interstate commerce since there is such a clear bias against out of state plates for that ticket. - Congrats on the job Mark. The above only applies if you have the time - and that's why they hit the out-of-staters - because you probably don't have the time.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Apr 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Not sure how I can do that now, Ken. I am now in S.C., starting a new job next Monday, unless I can do this over the phone.     
Bruce Bennett - Apr 17,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark, glad you got a job! I wouldn't jeopardize your new job, pay the fine, and chalk it up to 'just one of those things in life.' Judy     
Dave Lima - Apr 17,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I have been on I-4 for the last 2 days and nobody signals at all, so I guess it's a good thing they are cracking down, now I'm not laughing you got a ticket (well maybe a bit) but their enforcment should help.     
Frank A. Carr - Apr 18,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    After 10 years in Florida, I can say that I-4 is not the only place that blinkers are not used. But slow <br />drivers in the fast lane are everywhere!     
Don Maxwell - Apr 18,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I-95 in Virginia is a good road to get a speeding ticket--in case anybody needs one.     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 19,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark - contact <a href="http://www.ticketclinic.com/">www.ticketclinic.com</a><br />They apparently specialize in only traffic citations and I think they get $70 to fight for you. See what they say.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Apr 20,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Ken.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Apr 20,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    They got me out of a ticket. Speed trap.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Jul 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I did hire the TicketClinic law firm. My hearing was on July 7. An attorney represented me on my behalf (I didn't have to be there, as I was here in Maine). Here are the results:<br /><br />'Dear Mark MacKinnon,<br /><br />An attorney appeared on your behalf on July 7, 2010 at the Downtown Orlando Courthouse.<br />We are pleased to inform you that all charges against you were dismissed. You received no points and no conviction will appear on your record.'<br /><br />They charged $89.95, and I was not charged court fees (which I was expecting). Much better than the $164 ticket and points against my license.<br /><br />I did call and talk to the attorney before the court date and discussed the traffic stop with him. I told him how the officer was rather heavy handed and that I thought the fine was excessive for the violation, and how I felt I should have only received a warning. He told me that the police in that area are rarely issuing warnings now and are almost always giving tickets to generate revenue. If anyone uses this law firm, I would recommend you talking to the attorney as I did, otherwise they would only hear the officers side of the story during the hearing.<br /><br />Many thanks to Ken L. for informing me of this law firm. It was worth it.     
Frank A. Carr - Jul 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark, aside from the aggravation, legal cost, and bad marketing for Florida, not a <br />bad outcome.     
Philip Mendelson - Jul 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Good job guys, it's a jungle out there...     
 - Jul 25,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great result, I have just got back from business in Atlanta, I think I am the only driver in Atlanta that uses indicators and the only one without a dented car, as I drive on my British licence I generally drive as I would in the UK, except on the other side of the road, I am often beeped at for being over cautious but it is my life not theirs.     
Kenneth Leonard - Jul 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    If 'ticketclinic.com' is smart, they will put up billboards on Route 4 advertising their success rate with out of state tickets such as this.     

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