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Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jun 07,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Check this French Amphibian LSA. A cross between a Seawind and a Icon.<br /><br />It has a folding wing like a ICON. Looks like Icon has some competition.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.lisa-airplanes.com/">www.lisa-airplanes.com</a> Click on the UK Flag for English.      Attachments:  

Lisa Ultralight Amphibian
Lisa Ultralight Amphibian

Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jun 07,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I found the price point. 300,000. Euros. Icon is safe.     
Don Maxwell - Jun 07,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hydropt&#232;res sur un hydravion! C'est tr&#232;s cool. And it sure is a sleek looking airplane. Apparently they have at least one flying, but I couldn't find any solid info about production schedule.<br /><br />I'd never thought of angling the hydrofoils outward at the bottom. Terrific idea!     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Jun 07,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hydrofoils may be ok on smooth water, but I wonder how well they work in any waves.     
Marty Corr - Jun 09,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark, here's a little bit of fun that suggests the hydrofoils will work great in waves... BIG waves!<br /><br />see <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G02mEsshdxQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G02mEsshdxQ</a>     
Kenneth Leonard - Jun 07,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Try hydrofoils on a pair of water skis. It's like riding a unicycle while skiing.     
Frank A. Carr - Jun 08,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken, are you speaking from experience?     
Kenneth Leonard - Jun 08,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Yup. Have had a pair at the family homestead in upstate NY since the 1960s.     
Jamie Dantalis - Jun 09,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Were you as good as this guy was??<br /><br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxkypTy9zA">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxkypTy9zA</a>     
Kenneth Leonard - Jun 09,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    He's cheating. Ours didn't have a seat. It was basically two full size skis attached to something like that the guy in the video had but on a pole 1/2 that length. Jumping was done, but not on purpose.     
Don Maxwell - Jun 09,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    He's pretty good--does rolls and loops while sitting on a chair with one leg.     
Tom Yowell - Jun 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Interesting, but I wonder how those 'shark fins' are going to work out when you want to beach the plane on the shore.     
Grant Pronishen - Jun 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    We played with the 'air chair' a lot in the late 80's. We were never as good as the guy in the video but it was an interesting lesson in air/hydrodynamics. As long as you kept the center of pull (how high you held your arms) within the range it was amazing how smooth and stable the craft was once the board rose above the waves. We also coined the term 'gurgle of death' as you could clearly hear the flow separating as the foil stalled. This was the point of the unrecoverable 'no return' if it wasn't arrested immediately. (kinda like a lot of planes)     
Don Maxwell - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Does anyone know a source of hydrofoil material--aluminum or something like it that is already extruded or formed to the shape of a waterfoil? I want to fly a big canoe. (I'll post a similar notice in STS in case anyone wants to get technical about the subject.)     
Eric Batterman - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply

Or use Dan's old wing strut.
Kenneth Leonard - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    $900 per order is a bit rich. It is amazing how little it takes to make it work and I'll bet you that a flat plate 'airfoil' works just fine. Don - try flat plate with a washer or two under the leading edge. It will take way less 'lift' than you think because the water has so much more mass than air. If you really want an 'airfoil', take a bar of aluminum and round the top corners and bevel the top with a grinder. Or split a bar stock with a bandsaw on diagonal and then file top edges.     
Don Maxwell - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken, I tried a waterski hydrofoil something like you described, also in the '60s in the Adirondaks, and know what you mean about the density of water and its effect on both the hydrofoil and the human body. I'm very lazy, though, and have resisted that filing for decades. But maybe I'll take your advice now.     
Don Maxwell - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Eric. That's very good hunting! The small stuff is pretty thin, but I may buy 5 or 10 feet and see what comes of it.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jun 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    What's wrong with F/glass? Shape up from polystyrene, cover with cling film or even primer paint, wrap with f/glass and resin. Wide base shape spreads the load.     

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