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Markku Salminen - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I flew to Sweden again this year from here (Finland). In Norrk&#246;ping (south of Stockholm) there were annual EAA Sweden Fly In 4-6th june. We took of from my homebase Kiikala (EFIK) just to notice that groudspeed on 20 knots headwind is not so great, yeah, what a surprise... We flew to Mariehamn / &#197;land and stayed a night there. After good sleep and hotel brakfast we took of and headed to Sweden ower clear blue sea, and under clear blue sky. When we arrived there were already good amount of planes. In then evening happenning they said that 340 planes were visited during that day (only one SeaRey ). <br /><br />There were lot of peoples interested about my plane and some new contacts were done. On saturday evening we had good hangar meal with wine and some other liquid also...<br /><br />OK, then on sunday we were supposed to head back home right in then morning... But like allways, it were just before mid day when we took to the cavoc air. That cavoc turned to something else just as we were heading to the sea... Just like that cloud edge were in our height 1600 feet and were pushed under it. Well... that was ok for while, untill cloud height went under 500 feet and visibility came really limited. I were already picked a lake that we were going to use our divert plan and wait there untill sky clears. But then we got Norrt&#228;lje airfiel in our sight and landed there. Happily there were locals present and they allowed us to use some fresments (and toilet). We also got company from another plane and its crew that had got to the same situation than us.<br /><br />When we looked weather reports in our unplaned place, it were evident that this 'seafog' were not present in any forecasts or actual weather reports. Stockholm Arlanda were cavoc and also Mariehamn on the other side of the sea were cavoc. Interesting... What to do? Wait to next morning or what... Altought forecast were much worse for whole next week.<br /><br />Lacily one German Piper Super Cup came just in from Finland and landed to fuel up. Pilot said that it's totally clear over the cloud... So on the top of clouds! Well actually I dont have all the instruments that's needed here for OnTop flying, at least I'm missing VOR and well... magnetic old school compass. I only have dynon and GPS from one electrical source.<br /><br />But I had our CAA technical inspector as a co pilot and he had to be at work next morning. He said that if Piper Cup can fly on top then this SeaRey must be capable of doing that too, at least we have 'a boat' with us that touches the water if engine desides to stop making noise... And dynon shows witch way is up... So up we went when that cloud edge were moved towards the sea and we could safely take off.<br /><br />We climbed to 2500 feet and were well abowe the cloud cover. So that actually were really thin layer of some kind of 'seafog'. To be honest, it were quite silent (pilot/co pilot) during OnTop part of trip. But as we reached &#197;land coastline another edge of that cloud layer were reached also. But, but....<br /><br />We had planned to fly directly to homebase in mainland Finland Kiikala. When we took contact to Mariehamn tower / &#197;land they said that there is some really bad weather (low clouds / rain) bethween us and homebase.... OK, we desided to land right here in Marienhamn and have a dinner. Then with fresh toughts we made a plan to circle that bad weather from northside and fly to home after all. Well actually my pax (that CAA technical inspector) were already considering to by a ticket from commercial airline and forget all about VFR flying. But then he after all desided that OK, give it a last try and hopped in to that same plane that had trasported him already so long way.<br /><br />Begining of this last leg were flying under 700 feet overcast, but visibility were almoust limitless and abeam of Kumlinge (this place must tell much to all of you ) all the clouds dissapeared and we climbed to 2000 feet ower the really nice archipelago. BTW Kumlinge has a small airfiel where we were stuck during another trip for 3 days due to suddenly bad weather ( Only about 10 people living there and one shop that were closed when we arrived). But thats another story...<br /><br />Rest of the flying were almoust boring due to good weather. But very interesting flight back home considering changing weather. Flight back took only about 4,5 hours total flight time. So after all we did not divert so much. About 30 mins of that were total on top of cloud cover over the sea... <br /><br />BTW that CAA inspector did not file any incidence report about missing instruments...<br /><br />Couple of pictures attached.<br />      Attachments:  

Parked ESSP.jpg
Parked ESSP

Norrt lje.jpg
Norrt lje



Don Maxwell - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great story, Marrku! I like trips best when they're not just ordinary<I> and</I> everything works out well in the end.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Philip Mendelson - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great Job, VFR on top been their...     
Dan Nickens - Jun 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    A blockbuster summer thiller, Marrku, complete great photos and a happy ending. Perfect.     
Bård Sørbye - Jun 17,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great trip and good show, Markku! I'll do my best to meet you there next year.     
Ross Vining - Jun 18,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great story Markku - thanks for sharing it with us.     

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