Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Wayne Nagy - Jun 02,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    My daughter is moving to Lady Lake near Leesburg in July. I could fly the 310 into KLEE , but I am looking for the closest Lake that I would be welcome in the Searey. Any help??     
Nickens, Dan - Jun 02,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It may not be of any help, Wayne, but you could check on nearby private airports.

There are not many public access points on the small lakes around Lady Lake. Probably the closest one is at Lake Griffin park, but there is a long, narrow canal to get to the ramp. And then you would have to leave the airplane there...and leaving it alone in Lake County? Well, I wouldn't.

There are other lakes but they are mostly surrounded by private property. If your daughter knows someone, then you might consider parking in their backyards. Right now, however, the lakes around Lady Lake are really low due to the drought. They are small and shallow. Last week one of the new Seareys had their hull badly scraped on a nearby lake that shouldn't have been a hazard.

I've heard that the lakes at the Villages are not welcoming, but I've not had any reason to verify that.

There are, however, several private airports you could check out. FL99 looks like a nice, long, north-south strip of grass on a farm. Maybe the owner would be obliging. Or the Flying Palomino. It's private but has several houses on it and a SeaRey was once based there.
Wayne Nagy - Jun 03,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you, Dan. I may have a contact at the Flying Palomino. How about Lake Weir? Is Eaton's Searey friendly for a day trip?
How is the water level there? I noticed there is a beach next to (west) Eaton's can a Searey pull onto the beach?
Bruce McGregor - Jun 04,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The sandy beach west of Eaton's is private and posted against boats/aircraft beaching there.     
Wayne Nagy - Jun 04,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Bruce. What location is suggested? The area behind the restaurant looks like it is marked off for swimming??     
Bill West - Jun 04,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Wayne. youre welcome to fly to Gator Field and leave the Searey anytime. Its about 20 miles south of Lady Lake but your plane
wud be secure. I was at Gator Joes 2 weeks ago and was able to pull out of the water on the firm sand on the west side of place.
Boat traffic is an issue on the weekends. Eatons Beach has room for 3 planes directly behind the place and the mgmt has always
been welcoming. The small hotel next door to the west does not want you parking on their beach, but the undeveloped beach
next to them is there if you need it. The sand behind Eatons is soft and deep so you will have to beach. The food is great at both
places and the lake is beautiful. Hope to see you soon.
Wayne Nagy - Jun 04,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Bill! I see from the other thread that you flew John's plane to Michigan. I hope that you had a good flight (other than the
headwinds!). My daughter will be practicing in Leesburg and The Villages so I am sure we will meet at one of those restaurants in the
near future . (I always wondered why they say MD's are practicing! :-)
Nickens, Dan - Jun 03,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Lake Weir is some fine water, Wayne. The water level is a bit low but not dangerously so (and clarity is good enough to see potential SeaRey problems anyway). Eaton's (and Gator Joe's on the north side) is a fine lunch destination. It has been a long time since I've been to Eaton's but I think you can find trip reports here or on STS. It is a bit of a drive from Lady Lake but the lakeside food and ambiance may entice your daughter to come find you anyway.      Attachments:  

Eaton's Beaching and Eating Report
Eaton's Beaching and Eating Report

Wayne Nagy - Jun 03,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It is only 4 miles from her apartment, Dan. I can definitely meet her there for lunch. Thanks.     
Wayne Nagy - Jun 03,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Charles and Skip. Is the sand firm enough in the water and out ride out on the wheels? Do you remember any names of the staff
that I can name drop?? The sandy beach looks nice!

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