Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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' Let's go Flying'
The Dunes @ Sandbanks
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2004
Date Taken: Aug 23, 2004
Place Taken:
File Name: SeaBee.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Aug 26,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Sorry, seems the comment got lost in uploading.<br />Stopped in Arlington on our way back for lunch as saw this SeaBee parked next tot the cafe. Very tidy.     
Bret Smith - Aug 27,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Obscure reference - James Bond, The Man With the Golden Gun. Some beautifull shots of one these babys being flown by 007 through an island tropical paradise in order to save Jane Goodhead from the evil clutches of Specter. James step taxies right into the beach. I think if you pause it you can see one of the floats departing the scene...<br /><br />Then they blow it up with the 'Laser' beam.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Aug 27,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Never mind her head, wasn't that 'Goodbody?'     

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