Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Rotating onto the step on the Indian River, Vero B
N3365C Taxiing on the Indian River
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Oct 4, 2006
Description: I owned this Kitfox 4 on Aerocet 1100 amphibious floats prior to my Sea Rey. I flew it from Bakersfield CA to Lansing MI, fun trip. I much prefer my SeaRey. Interestingly, this Kitfox used to sit on the back of a Yacht.
Date Taken: Oct 4, 2006
Place Taken: Lake Lansing, Lansing, MI
Owner: Jim Ploucha
File Name: Kit_Landing.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 34, Florida Flying, 5, Fun SeaRey Photos, 10, Just Fun Seaplanes, 42, Just Nice Pictures, 41, Just SeaReys, 123, SeaRey Views
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Jeff Arnold - Oct 04,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Cool pictures Jim. Thanks.<br /><br />Curious why you like your Searey better?     
Jim Ploucha - Oct 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey Jeff,<br />Are you a searey pilot? The Kitfox was a lovely airplane. It seemed to be a little under floated and underpowered. It had the 80 hp Rotax. It had a great panel, almost IFR. It was a tight squeeze in the cockpit, probably 6 inches less width than the Rey. It was also a bit of a lemon. It tended to shake off the carberater after I put a new prop on it so I dead sticked in into my little lake numerous times. It also had a oil induction system that was somehow screwed up by one of the Michigan mechanics that worked on it. The engine threw a rod over a pretty dense forest and luckely there was a little lake nearby (Little Long Lake, near Harrison Michigan). My wife was with me that time and it scared the hell out of her. <br /> It took quite a while to get off of the water and I was always having problems with the gear retraction. One time I had to take off of a cart while the wheels were in for repairs, that was exciting. It just seemed like more hassle than fun. The SeaRey is just such a marvelous complete little airplane. It flies a lot like the J3 on floats that I flew for my seaplane rating. Slow and stable. I love the visibility from the Rey, the sliding canopy, the STOL capabilities, and the esthetic lines of it. Its just sexy. It seems a bit more toylike than the Fox and turns more heads. I feel more safe and secure in the Rey. I am not sure why. Perhaps its because of its stability, the Fox was a bit squirly, almost had a netative stability. Another reason I may like the rey more is the fact that it is a flying boat, no floats to have to deal with. Im just rambling on so thats all I have to say. Thanks for asking. Jim<br />     
Don Maxwell - Oct 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Jim, are you still in Lansing? I'm not, but did live there for several years, years ago.     
Jeff Arnold - Oct 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Live there for several years? Heck I was born there!     
Jim Ploucha - Oct 08,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Born there eh, Jeff. Small world. Were you born at Sparrow Hospital? I was an attending anesthesiologist there for 15 years. I moved to Florida three yrs ago, wish I had done it 20 yrs ago. The only down side of living in Vero Beach is there is only one fresh water lake within 20 miles, so I spend a alot of time landing on the indian river, which is actually the Intercostal waterway (salt water). Consequently, I have to rinse the plane down for 30 minutes when I get back to the airport, spray WD 40 on the tailwheel assembly, grease the wheel barings, etc. Its a bit of a hassle, but a labor of love.     
Jeff Arnold - Oct 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Jim, I enjoyed your rabling. Thanks. I agree with everything you say about the Searey, but I have never experienced a Kitfox. The big advantage I see to floats is docking. I was always curious about the Kitfox on floats. You have largely satisfied my curiosity.<br /><br />How does your wife like your Searey?     
Dennis Vogan - Oct 06,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    The Kitfox was another plane I had once looked at and was considering again. Nice to have your thoughts on it Jim.     

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