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Meredith's first fligjht 11-25-06
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Nov 24, 2006
Description: Gas inflatable PFD

To wear or not to wear, this is the Question!

Looking at a recent photo of 'Paige at Play' posted by Dan, it can be easily seen in this great shot from overhead that Paige is not wearing a life vest.

In another sobering post by Dan, he relates the tragedy of the children who lost their lives in the boating accident on Lake Yale. If this family had been wearing their life vests, the outcome of this story could well have been very different. What would have happened if they had all huddled together and paddled their way to the shore? What then would have been their chances of surviving this ordeal?

Fact is, the life vests are of little use after the event.

In a SeaRey incident on the water (eg in the case of a flip over) finding and then donning a life vest can be extremely difficult, maybe almost impossible and what if you have suffered an injury and are incapacitated. Simply pulling the gas tag to keep you or your injured pax afloat could be a real life saver!

The question for us is, should we adopt a policy of always wearing a life vest when carrying out water operations.

Ignoring the good looking chap in the photo, it is clear to see that the inflatable life vest in this shot is comfortable and in no way impedes ones ability to operate the aircraft.

To adopt a personal operational policy of always wearing a life vest could well save yours or your pax life one day .......

We are given no warning of when an accident may happen and being prepared by wearing your life vest may be the difference between sufvival and death!

This is in the same territory as Dan's water emergency recovery training he did a few months back ..... being prepared can make the difference.

Thank you Dan for posting your photos. They could be what saves someones life!
Date Taken: Nov 24, 2006
Place Taken: Sydney Australia
Owner: Rob Loneragan.
File Name: PFD_3.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 61, Robert Loneragan
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Read what others had to say:

Jim Thomas - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob,<br /><br />My PFDs are in a fanny (belly) pack and I don't wear them in the Bonanza, but then I don't plan on water landings. I do keep them both on the seat next to me when overflying water. <br /><br />In the SeaRey, I'll get some like those in your picture and wear them at all times. I hope I never need 'em, but donning one while inverted - or even finding them for that matter - seems problematic.<br /><br />Paige &amp; Kerry may be comfortable enough to go without, but they have more hours in SeaReys than all of us combined!     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Jim .......... There are many in our group who now have lots of hours and experience in SeaReys .......... but I have two questions: <br /><br />1. Is is possible for Kerry or Paige or any other experienced SeaRey pilot to be involved in an unexpected accident on the water?<br /><br />2. If you were involved in an accident on the water, would you prefer to be wearing or not wearing a life vest?     
Dennis Scearce - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    I WAS involved in a Searey sinking. When I popped up next to my sinking plane in 60 feet of cold water, with the nearest dock some 200 yards away, it wasn't a hard decision to use up an eight dollar air cylinder. I might could have made it to the dock without the PFD, maybe not. I don't want to find out. I always wear my PFD. I keep it in the left seat so I have to pick it up to get in. There is another in the right seat. It was bulky at first, kind if like learning to do work with work gloves on. But you get used to it and don't even notice after a while.     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Great Dennis, sounds like I am speaking to the converted.     
Kenneth Leonard - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, it could also be possible that Kerry &amp; Paige don't wear them because they don't want to scare thier clients. If they display the 'it never happens' attitude by not wearing safety gear, it doesn't put crashing in the minds of potential buyers. Maybe that is why the demo plane I flew with Kerry had only lap belts. Just the cynic in me thinking out loud. Or it could be they find it hot, heavy, cumbersom and expensive to maintain... personally, I'm wearing one and have one for my future pax. (4 out of 40 hours done)     
Don Maxwell - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Right, Rob. <I>Nowadays </I>I <I>always </I>wear the PFD, whether I intend to alight on the water, or not. At the end of a flight I unfasten the belt and shoulder harness <I>and </I>the PFD and leave it right on the seat back when I get out. That way it's always ready to snap on when I get into the airplane, even if I'm already seated.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
John Robert Dunlop - Nov 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you Rob! While you are at it Mate, perhaps you could also copy this valuable assertion to the STS site?<br /><br />I sold my SOSpenders with my aircraft. I already have two Nautilus inflatables ready to go (and my SeaRey is many months from completion!)     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    JD ......... are they the same as what Dan uses? If so I think they are a very good choice.     
John Robert Dunlop - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, I doubt that Dan has Nautilus (they were larger and being on sale in Canada, less expensive than the SOSpenders.) There are now so many inflatable to choose fromin North America. Here are a few others: Stearns, Mustang, 38MPRO, AirForce, Kent, Stormy Seas..<br /><br />I see that Dennis and Judy have tackled your other queries!     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    John, can you tell me if there is an easy way of copying this to STS? Or do I have to go through the full process?     
Don Maxwell - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, the easiest way to post something to another site is to click on 'Edit Info'. On the edit page there's a 'Post To' list of the other MyFamily sites you belong to. Check the box for the additional site or sites, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Don, appreciated for next time.     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    JD, while you are at it, is there any way I can 'digitally enhance' the image of the 'model' in the photo ...... bloody ugly bloke!     
Dennis Vogan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, we rose to the challenge. It took some doing, but attached is a digitally enhanced image of the picture. I think it came out pretty good.      Attachments:  

life vest.jpg
life vest

Dan Nickens - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Simply beautiful, Dennis. It is amazing what you can do with a good photo editor. Who knew there was a softer side to Rob?     
Lee Coulman - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Dennis<br />I don't think Martha needed much 'touching-up'.<br />Anyway, I'm glad that John treated the SOSpenders as part of JIB.<br />It was natural to put the inflatable on before every trip.<br />I don't remember doing this in my other seaplane life.<br />Now, I don't leave home without it.<br />     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Denis that is some serious enhancement, I am still running a temperature. <br /><br />DON MAXWELL, can you please tell me how to 'Edit Photo' to replace the ugly male model with the stunning shot of Martha.     
Bruce Bennett - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, I put this on the STS site for you.........Judy     
Robert Loneragan - Nov 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you Judy, you are a treasure.     
John McLeroy - Nov 29,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    This is a no-brainer. And if you want to play games or take even more chances, at least make your passenger wear one and pull the tab for them if you get into any situations. $130 of safety....priceless...     

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