Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Searey GASA 2007 059
Field of Screams...
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: May 26, 2007
Description: I was visiting my Aventura friend Matt's on Merlin Aerodrome (2VA3) today when this Aircam arrived.
Date Taken: May 26, 2007
Place Taken: 2VA3
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: Aircam_0006_35pc.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 23, Max Pix
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Read what others had to say:

Kenneth Leonard - May 27,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Don - I really like the Aircam. Would really like to fly in one. Is that you in the back on the landing picture? What was the water T/O time? I understand they can climb at an insane angle and according to an article I read (believe what you want) single engine is a non-event.     
Don Maxwell - May 27,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Not me in this photo, Ken. Someone with a lot more curves.<br /><br />Water and land T/O time were both about the same as a SeaRey--because of the floats, which are fairly heavy. The taildragger Aircams I've seen could get off the ground and climb noticeably quicker than this one did. I made a video of a water takeoff from the rear seat, and it took about 9 or 10 seconds from powerup to flight. Came up on the step almost immediately, but then needed some time to accelerate.<br /><br />It flew about like a SeaRey, too, although the controls felt a little heavier and it wanted to turn right if left to itself. It seemed to have some adverse yaw, but I couldn't see the ball from the back seat and had to guess about coordination. It felt very solid and looked professional and spiffy, despite the sock-covered wings. It felt--and is--big. But it will climb at MGW on one engine. The only seaplane with better visibility that I've flown is a Lazair. That one was even more fun, but of course it's much much smaller and more nimble.<br /><br />But I'm keeping the SeaRey. It's still the most fun of all.     

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