Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Olympic Statium
3 Air Train
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2008
Description: Along the east side of the lake a rock ledge ran along the shore. An exposed rock formation along a sandy beach was a good excuse to splash back down. Scrambling up and down the rocks looking for interesting rocks, fossils, or gold is great entertainment. There was some risk, however, most immediately to my schedule. Who knows what tails might be found among the rock rubble?

Date Taken: Oct 18, 2008
Place Taken: Near Shidler, OK
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: 31_Better_Beach.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 329, Taking Peli Home
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Dan Nickens - Oct 18,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    The gray siltstone looked absolutely perfect for finding fossils. Surely some poor creature turned to stone in death would now lie exposed in plain view! What a tale it would be to find such treasure!<br /><br />I pulled Peli onto the soft sand of little beach and went exploring. I had wandered about a half mile from my parking place without spotting anything but the gray, silty rocks.<br /><br />A brief glimpse of color caught my attention. Down in a small crevasse was a bright red fishing float. I had absolutely no need for a float, but it looked completely out of place. On impulse I reached quickly down to get it.<br /><br />wha….OUCH…wha was that<br />oh SNAKE<br />jeeezzz it bit my hand<br />that really hurts…burns<br />those are two fang marks<br />it’s rattling<br />rattling RATTLESNAKE…. backing up… backing up<br />oh man this is bad<br />maybe he didn’t inject any venom<br />oh no… there’s some amber stuff around the marks<br />i can’t believe it…. he got me<br />man he got me…. now i’m gonna get him<br />i’ll smash him with this rock<br />gonna get him good<br />but i’ll have to get closer<br /><br />i'm not gonna do that<br /><br />i better get to a hospital<br />how long before this thing gets to be trouble…..<br />if i remember it shouldn’t be a problem for an hour or so<br />but it sure is starting to burn<br />hey…. i think i’m supposed to hold it down low… below heart level<br />i’m pretty sure that’s what the book says<br />doesn’t really make much sense<br />how about a tourniquet….<br />i think that is no longer recommended<br />man, this thing is really starting to tingle and burn<br />better get going and get some help<br />i don’t remember seeing anything near here<br />of course that’s why i landed here<br />better get back to the airplane and get some help<br />it looks like a long way back to the airplane<br />okay… better get started<br /><br />don’t run…. don’t get excited, keep cool<br /><br />i wonder what time it is<br /><br />hey i should have killed that snake to figure out what kind it is<br />i guess it doesn’t matter…<br />it was rattling…. had to be a rattlesnake<br />what kind of stupid rattler lives in a the rocks on a lake<br />i wonder how big it was<br />if it wasn’t too big maybe it didn’t have much venom<br />judging by the ugly color around the mark on my hand and the swelling… there’s enough<br /><br />i thought it took longer to start to hurt this bad<br />i guess it depends on the kind and amount of venom<br />either way this is starting to look real bad<br /><br />maybe i should just sit for a minute<br />i think i’m supposed to rest for a while<br />no i’ll just walk calmly to the plane<br /><br />maybe i’d better hurry<br />i’ll just walk a little faster<br /><br />breathing is getting harder… oh no<br />hey…. it can’t be affecting my breathing already<br />walking faster is affecting my breathing<br />i will walk slower<br /><br />i will walk slower<br /><br />i will walk slower<br />i can feel the veins in my neck throbbing<br />pulse is getting quicker too<br /><br />i can’t believe how long it took to get back to the plane<br />okay… get in and buckle up<br />OOOWWW… hit my sore hand<br />don’t move so fast<br />okay… buckle up<br />owww<br />forget it…. i can’t stand to touch my anything with that hand<br />fine… just start the engine<br />where are the keys<br />what did i do with the KEYS<br />oh… they’re in my pocket<br />great…they’re in my right pocket…<br />i can get them<br />reach over and start the engine<br />start the engine…come on…. start<br />whew<br /><br />i hope i can spin it off the beach<br />it better not be stuck<br /><br />thank you thank you thank you<br />okay… preflight checks<br />forget it<br />keep it simple..gear up..instruments okay… flap set…. trim up<br />all set to taxi out to get some room<br /><br />wait…this is taking too long<br />just take off along the shore<br />wind is light enough<br />time is more important<br /><br />okay… full throttle…. stick back<br />FLYING…..yeah<br /><br />heck….can’t use my left hand to hold the stick and get the flaps<br />hold the stick with my knees and dump the flaps<br /><br />now what… where to…<br />maybe i should just fly over to the nearest house<br />what if no one is home…<br /><br />okay…. so i’ll just fly to the nearest airport<br />where is that…<br />use the GPS<br />okay…. nearest airport is ponca city<br />it’s 15 miles…12 minutes<br />man… my vision is getting blurry around the edges<br />it’s like looking down a tunnel<br />my lips are tingling too<br />that can’t be good<br />how long has it been<br />this isn’t supposed to happen this fast<br /><br />i’ll never make it to the airport at this rate<br />even if i do i might not see well enough to land<br />i better put this thing down quick<br />can’t go back to the lake<br />no help there<br />gotta get this thing down<br />how about just landing on the road…..<br /><br />it’d be better to get to the airport<br />i’ll try for the airport….<br /><br />there’s a road right here<br />i don’t think i can make the airport<br />i don’t want to hit a car<br />it’s hard to see anywhere but straight ahead<br />i’m starting to feel really weak<br />i’ve gotta put it down now<br /><br />okay….throttle back<br />slow now…hold the stick with knees and add flaps<br /><br />which way is the wind…<br />it doesn’t matter…just get on the ground<br /><br />line up with the road<br />WATCH IT…wires and poles<br />keep it in the center<br />i can’t see far enough<br />there might be cars<br /><br />flaps… remember more flaps<br />too late…don’t worry about them<br />can’t let go of the stick now<br />what about the gear…<br />can’t<br /><br />cars COMING….need to get down NOW<br />slip it…slip it…slip…<br />let it go<br />GET It straight<br />FAST…too fast<br />UH<br />sliding…sliding<br />OH NO swerving..<br />DITCH…<br /><br />(darkness)<br /><br />oh man my head hurts<br /><br />“Hey! Are you alright?”<br /> <br />Huh… who’s that… somebody’s here<br /><br />“Can you hear me? Are you hurt?”<br /><br />“Yeah, I think so.”<br /><br />“Can you get out of the airplane?”<br /><br />“No, I don’t think so.”<br /><br />“Okay, hold on, I’m calling for help.”<br /><br />i can barely breath<br />feels like a ton on my chest<br /><br />“There is help on the way. The emergency operator wants to know where it hurts?”<br /><br />“My hand hurts.”<br /><br />“Your hand?”<br /><br />“A snake bit me.”<br /><br />“A snake?”<br /><br />“Yep. A rattler.”<br /><br />“You’re bleeding from your head. Does it hurt?”<br /><br />“See. Look at my hand. It’s really big.”<br /><br />“Oh my gosh! It’s black.”<br /><br />“Yep. The snake bit it….”<br /><br />(darkness)<br /><br /><br />DATELINE KAW CITY<br /><br />Yesterday a small experimental seaplane crashed on Highway 11 outside of Kaw City. Motorists found the pilot in a semi-conscious condition complaining of a rattlesnake bite. The pilot was transported to the Ponca City Medical Center and treated for injuries, including a venomous snake bite. A hospital spokesman said that the pilot is expected to recover fully.<br /><br />The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Kay County Sheriff’s office are investigating the accident. An FAA spokesman said there was no flight plan on file for the flight.<br /><br />(Newspapers…don’-cha-know…..always full of tales!)<br /><br /><br />     
Bård Sørbye - Oct 20,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan, with your imagination for tales of disaster, I guess you'll always be cautious to stay on the safe side!     
Dan Nickens - Oct 20,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    My strategy, Bard, is to visualize disasters before they happen so that I’ll be less likely to be there when they do. So far this strategy is, at best, a mixed success. I still stick my head into a lot of misadventures, but haven’t had a major disaster (yet).     
Frank A. Carr - Oct 22,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    A tale of a tail! Outstanding! Thanks Dan for reminding me why I hate snakes. <br /><br /> And the flaps are hard enough with a snake-bite-free right hand!     

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