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LSX Climbing Near Lake Apopka
C-FUEY re-current trng.
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: May 6, 2009
Description: In southeast Georgia there's a Prohibited area, P-50. We kept our distance--but that didn't keep us from looking. Rumor has it that submarine degaussing occurs there. All I know is that my GPS couldn't find the satellites for a minute or two as we passed by.
Date Taken: May 6, 2009
Place Taken: SE GA
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: Prohibited_5361.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Charles Pickett - May 06,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Been there Done that     
 - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    GPS is disabled around military sites so it cannot be used for missile targeting, most GPS is derived from military satellites anyway so the accuracy is varied depending on the region and the military requirements of the area, areas with high military density mean lower accuracy capabilities for civilian GPS even those using differential, in some cases GPS capability is completely removed from civilian systems when in the vicinity of bases. Degaussing would not cause the problem, a large enough EMF to disrupt your GPS would shut your ignition down and take you out of the sky while growing tumors on the entire personnel at the base.     
Don Maxwell - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Tumors, Ian! Oo, what a juicy thought! I know about GPS and military bases--had a 20 mile outage once near Pawtuxant Naval Air Station. I sent 'em a PIREP about it and of course they denied any responsibility.     
 - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I find the no fly zones quite funny, the areas on the map often mirror the exact shape of the base they are supposedly hiding, I think the counter measures are mostly for show rather than having any 'real' effect.     
Kenneth Leonard - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    In theory, increasing the GPS variance increases the CE on GPS guided precision weapons. (CE % being the probability of a hit within a certain radius of the intended point of impact) Of course, we're talking defense from littoral waters sea-launched conventional weapons which seems rather trivial. (any country with the ability to launch ICBM or even cruise missles would be unlikely to start shooting at our homeland and yet withhold nukes - and if they use nukes, CE doesn't really matter)     
 - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    With modern computer guidance it is largely irrelevant, GPS can be used to get to the correct area and be on the correct course then the final 50 miles can be accurately guided from extrapolated fuel burn, prevailing weather and visual topography recognition. GPS is an old and largely redundant method of weapons guidance now, that is not to say the precaution should not be taken, it does avoid attacks from less technological assailants like terrorist cells.     
Rick Oreair - May 17,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The folks who use the St. Mary's airport have to be very aware of positional awareness, as the GA airport is immediately adjacent to this prohibited area.     

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