Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2009
Description: Boldt Castle
Date Taken: Oct 18, 2009
Place Taken: Boldt Castle
Owner: John Dunlop
File Name: IMG_5046.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 9, Turtle Cove
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Read what others had to say:

Dennis Vogan - Oct 18,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    We're expecting a call from the US Coast Guard! This was just over the border in the US. We made one pass around the castle and decided to make another go-round at a better altitude for a good view. This time two Coast Guard boats appeared out of nowhere and were waiting for us. We high-tailed it back to Canadian waters.     
Dave Edward - Oct 19,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Dennis, my ' citation ' arrived by registerd mail. My lawyer is looking at it and I'll post more when the dust settles. Evidently, we had been tracked from the bridge inbound. The helicopter dispatched to intercept us arrived just as we took that ' dirty dart ' down and westbound....into friendly territory.....Thanks be to God !!<br />Homeland Security is on top of things you folks. Sleep well tonight. No pesky terrorists will infiltrate from the north.     
Don Maxwell - Oct 19,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Drat! Someone must have erased that pretty red-white-and-blue line that Homeland Security painted the whole length of the St. Lawrence River. I don't see any sign of it in this photo. Who would do such a thing?!     
Dave Edward - Oct 19,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I'll just quote from the citation Don...Homeland Security Docket 4476031..Trans Border Incursion # 4391...NY./ Ontario<br /><br />Dear Mr. Edward,<br />It has been brought to our attention that on 14 Oct. 2009, you and two other aircraft were videoed attempting to obtain information regarding our security measures in Alexandria Bay NY. At 12:03 EDT, our infrared camera on Hill Island triggered an alarm of unknown inbound aircraft. Being ever vigilant, we data processed the images and ascertained that three airborne personal watercraft were heading eastbound , just north of the US / Canadian border and the altitude readout from two of the craft indicated a descent to 200' agl.from 800' agl. Said aircraft then proceeded to turn south....enter US airspace, and comence a straffing run on one of NY. states national heritage sites. The ultra smart camera imaging unit in Alex Bay locked onto the aircraft and the the registration C-FVMU was fed into our computor. Unfortunately, it would appear that a liberal amount of duct tape had been applied over the registration of the other two craft, so immediate identification was not possible. But wait...the Chinese make mighty fine equipment, and the smart camera locked onto data plates for the other intruders. 1DK077...yellow and red, appeared similar to 1DK070 in some respects, however , the shabbiness of 1DK070 was greatly apparent. The data plate of the third aircraft was obscured by seaweed.<br />Our concern grew when a second low level foray was commenced and we alerted the Coast Guard ships on station at Alex Bay, as well as requesting an interceptor BlackHawk helicopter from nearby Fort Drumm. Homeland Security usually acts on it's own , and answers to no one, but in this case we decided that some reinforcement might help. Although not college educated, these boys are pretty good.<br />The Blackhawk scrambled to intercept you poachers and shell you, but couldn't crack the case and ended up with egg on it's face, as you led the interlopers back into Canadian airspace at a great rate and very low altitude.<br /><br />We have contacted transport Canada regarding this serious offence.The officals there are being most co-operative and have forwarded us information regarding the owner of C-FVMU.<br />It is inconcievable that a pilot with over 30,000 hours...ex military and ex commercial airline background would be so irresponsible as to execute manoeuvers which endanger the security of the U.S.A.<br />We have requested Transport Canada to revoke Airline Transport Pilot Licence AA43989, and Private pilot Licence PA 43989, pending investigation.<br />We are prepared to meet with you, on neutral territory , mid span of the IVY LEA bridge suits us, at your convience.<br />We have informed our National Secretary of State and she wishes to attend this meeting. She also requests that you bring the pilot of the yellow and red airplane with you as she thinks he is ' cute ' and would like to further Canada / US relations....in a one on one kind of thing.<br /><br />We look forward to an early response,<br />yours truly.......     
Don Maxwell - Oct 19,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    What a masterful letter! By all means, send Dennis to meet the Secretary of State on the bridge--in the name of US-Canada relations. Maybe she'll bring him a bouquet.     
Dennis Vogan - Oct 20,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Gee Dave, those guys are funny! And here I thought we got away with it.     

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