Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Dynon & SeaRey
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Dec 7, 2009
Description: As we came into Conestogo lake I could hear some woman calling 'Train' 'Train'.
My wife Diane was with with me, but it wasn't her and there ain't any trains around. Maybe I should hook up the audio output as it did show 'Terrain'.
And, as I was about to grease it on, 'PULL up...PULL up'. Whilst Diane's comments are usually more expressive, especially when its about to be a bad landing. Didn't get any squawks when we got back at the CYKF patch from either women.
Date Taken: Dec 7, 2009
Place Taken: Conestogo Lake
Owner: Lee Coulman
File Name: IMG_1686gps_terrain.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 386, Instruments
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Read what others had to say:

Charles Pickett - Dec 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    On my 496 if I put the lake in as a way point then use the go to it will not give me the terrain warning or the pull up as I am landing so long as I am landing some what close to the way point<br />     
Don Hull - Dec 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I chose the 196 just so that i wouldn't have the terrain warning. Most of my flying is <br />between Washington State and Alaska through the Inland Passage. I figured it would be <br />telling me about 'Trains' most of the way and there are not only no train tracks any where <br />near, there are no roads within a hundred miles or more of most of that track.     
Eric Batterman - Dec 08,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Neat trick Charlie, I'll have to try that since there are a lot of trains near my lake. Don, you can turn off the train warning.     
Lee Coulman - Dec 08,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Charlie<br />Thanks for that tip.<br />The lakes all appear in my Aera database. Do you think I can just put the lake into a route or do I have to identify a different User Waypoint to get it to work. I do notice that I can direct route to my normal lakes by pointing to them, but I don't know how to find them in the database.     
Charles Pickett - Dec 08,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I do not know about setting up the routes I will have to play with that     

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