Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Jan 18, 2012
Description: The boat started the New Year in a place a bit too rough for SeaRey play. A quick visit was all it took to send the SeaRey back to the airport.
Date Taken: Jan 18, 2012
Place Taken: Near Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: Lumpy_Start.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 497, Yacht Tending Baja
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Read what others had to say:

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Another day, another swell, or two, with wake and wind. It was the last day for the guests. They were all headed home. They will have to wait until summer to get a SuRi SeaRey ride. The big boat is going to San Francisco to get a 40’ hull extension added.      Attachments:  

Not So Swell.jpg
Not So Swell

Frank A. Carr - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    What new toys require a 40' hull extension?     
Dan Nickens - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I can't imagine. Maybe we'll get a submarine.     
Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    There was plenty of splashing, in fact a bit too much for just fun flying.      Attachments:  


Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    With little time left and rough water for SeaRey play, the boss was looking for flight alternatives. He flew over in the jet helicopter to go fly the trike.      Attachments:  

Just Fly.jpg
Just Fly

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    With the guests gone, the boat went back to base. The marina manager found out about the SeaRey and wanted to get some aerial photos of his property. That seemed a good excuse.      Attachments:  

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Back to Base

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    After taking about a thousand photos of the docks, we got down to the SeaRey’s business of buzzing the beach, skimming the waves and flying for fun. After we landed, Darren told me, “That’s the most fun I’ve ever had with my feet off the ground.” As it turns out, he had his feet off a lot while serving in the Royal Marines. As he was a qualified hovercraft pilot, his complement had added significance.      Attachments:  

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Beach Break

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    After being freed from ship duty, it was time to pay respects for local consideration. The Commandante de Aeropuerto was so impressed by his flight, he asked that I take his daughter for her first flight. She was a reluctant passenger, but couldn’t quit smiling when we got back to dad.      Attachments:  

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Commandante 1

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Before leaving I had to wait for a new transponder antenna. There was no getting into the U.S. with my broken one. That left me a few days to repay debts with some fun flights. Rosa and Sandra filed my flight plans. They got rides.      Attachments:  

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Flight Support

Dave Lima - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm sure they did!     
Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    This Sandra also took care of my many flight plans and made sure there were liquid refreshments while I waited for approvals (typically a one hour process).<br /><br />“You want to fly in Mexico, Senor?”<br /><br />“Si.”<br /><br />First you have to pass a military inspection. The soldiers were all very nice, but they had some serious firepower. Few spoke English. I had a cheat sheet with the answers they wanted.<br /><br />Next, you had to file an arrival report with the local airport guys and pay landing fees.<br /><br />Want gas? Get it and pay.<br /><br />A flight plan is required for controlled airspace. It’s an ICAO form that has to be completed in quadruplicate.<br /><br />After the ICAO form is complete, it has to be taken to the Commandante’s office for approval. With his approval you can take it to the airport services guys for filing.<br /><br />That’s what is required if you do it yourself. If Sandra is around, she does it all for you….for a fee.<br /><br />How much?<br />Landing, $4.92<br />Embarking and Disembarking, $1.00<br />Parking, $6.15<br />Boarding Passengers, $13.11<br />AvGas, 38 liters, $51.21<br />AvGas Supply, $7.68<br />SENEAM (Aviation Weather &amp; Flight Plan), $6.79<br />Handling (Sandra’s Fee), $40.98<br />Credit Card Fee, $6.49<br />Subtotal, $138.33<br />Tax (11, $14.47<br />Total (dollars, not pesos), $152.80<br />      Attachments:  

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Flight Support 2

Don Maxwell - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    ¡Ai, Chihuahua, Dan, that's even worse than. . . uh, Canada! (Only to make a joke, señor. Canada she is easy.) <p>Is that rigamarole only for that part of Mexico, or everywhere in the country?<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dan Nickens - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    This is what you get at controlled fields, Don. The owner of the airport said there is a warehouse where all the forms go. He said the floor is cracking.     
John Robert Dunlop - Jan 20,2012   Viewers  | Reply
Dave Edward - Jan 20,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    When we first came here in '98, there were numerous dirt <br />strips on both coasts. In our area, there were 6 strips <br />within a 30 mile radius but the crackdown on the drug <br />running was intensified and all but 2 are still in <br />operation.....not for drugs, but serving the up-<br />scale fishing resorts. Don't know if you ever saw the <br />Mexican Airforce prop fighters on patrol along the coast <br />Dan. They are based in La Paz and do regular runs down <br />the Sea of Cortez to Cabo....then up to Todos <br />Santos....across to Loretto and back to La <br />Paz. They call in the Navy patrol boats to investigate <br />suspicious boats. Most of the drugs come from mainland <br />Mexico across the Sea of Cortez then up the 1000 miles <br />on the TPH highway to the border towns. Thats where the ' <br />shit hits the fan '.<br /><br />I would have given my left ' you know what ' to have flown <br />with you in this area. Thanks for the great coverage.     
Dan Nickens - Jan 20,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Oh, I saw them, Dave, up close and personal like. At a military base. But, that's a story for the next posting.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Tenzin is from India, but spoke perfect English and Spanish. She was the leader of the pilot support crew.      Attachments:  

Flight Support 3.jpg
Flight Support 3

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Okay, so I have no idea what Karina did, but she was in the cue and an enthusiastic flyer!      Attachments:  

Flight Support 4.jpg
Flight Support 4

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Mario fueled the SeaRey. He was such an enthusiastic supporter that he learned my safety briefing and then translated it to Spanish for the other passengers.      Attachments:  

Flight Support 5.jpg
Flight Support 5

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    A trip to Cabo is not complete without some whale spotting. It’s one thing to see them placidly swimming…majestic. But when they get wild, it’s awesome!      Attachments:  

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Heavy Launch

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Whale watchers with cameras are obligated to get a picture of the tail in air.      Attachments:  

Tails Up.jpg
Tails Up

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    The best ride of the day was the last…a sunset flight. The manager's wife and co-owner of the airport was the lucky rider.      Attachments:  

Nice Company.jpg
Nice Company

Don Maxwell - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    And you were the lucky pilot!     
Dan Nickens - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I can confirm that!     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Must have missed you by just a day or two. we arrived on the 9th and stayed at the place in the top of the first picture, right on the marina.     
Dan Nickens - Jan 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Was the SuRi still there, Chris? One of the night club owners bought the teak from the upper deck for his nightclub. I'm told they spent a week in port trying to pull it up. Sounds suspicious to me.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jan 20,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    When I got over the flight down, (about Wednesday) I had a look but didn't see her.     
Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Sebastian, owner and developer of the airport, was excited about his flight. When the day ran out, however, and he realized there was only one more flight to be made, he gave his seat to his wife. Now that’s real love.      Attachments:  

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Sebastian s Sacrifice

Dan Nickens - Jan 18,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    “Have you ever seen two sunsets on the same day?” I asked Iria.<br /><br />She hadn’t, but she did. She saw one from wave top, flying up to see the sun rise again, only to have it sink down again as we turned back to the airport.<br /><br />“Es asombroso. Espectacular!”<br /><br />Si. It is amazing and spectacular. A SeaRey specialty.<br />      Attachments:  

Second Sunset.jpg
Second Sunset


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