Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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First flight & taxi today
Woodberrys' Splash-In at Lake Anna
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: May 27, 2014
Description: 'Our' ospreys kept a jaundiced eye on the big mechanical seabirds that arrived to join N123XM on the beach at the Taj Mahouse, in Shangri-La-di-da by the Sea.

Here's the video to prove it (it's SeaReys, not birds): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQxh-njp3nA&feature=youtu.be

One of the SeaReys was the newest on the planet.

(Note: I originally posted a version of this video with the pilots' last names, thinking I could make it accessible only to viewers who had the URL. That didn't work out, so I've just posted a new version with the last names removed.)
Date Taken: May 27, 2014
Place Taken: Tar Bay, VA
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: MomOsprey.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 23, Max Pix
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Read what others had to say:

Don Maxwell - May 27,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Three easy landings:<P><img src="inline/20009-LindsayLdg.jpg" alt="LindsayLdg"><P><img src="inline/20010-RobLdg.jpg" alt="RobLdg"><P><img src="inline/20011-BuckLdg.jpg" alt="BuckLdg"><P><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  


Don Maxwell - May 27,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    And one beautiful flyby:<P><img src="inline/20012-BuckFlyby_h.jpg" alt="BuckFlyby-h"><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

BuckFlyby h.jpg
BuckFlyby h

Buck Bray - May 29,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    I was flying one for 57. Born in '57, May 28th was my 57th birthday and the projected completion date for my factory built Searey was May 28th. Kerry and PA have produced a magic carpet for me to fly with the Searey family and my own family. This was my fourth day flying my new Searey and I was honored to be able to visit Don and Carol on my flight home as Don has inspired and mentored me along my easy journey compared to those of you who built your dream machines. Didn't even use my camping gear since my tentative meandering journey morphed in to a beautiful one day flight up the coast on a holiday weekend with more remote spots of sand covered by smiling waving people than I could have imagined. I do need to plan more time for fuel stops to accommodate those drawn to the Searey.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dave Edward - May 28,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice pics Don....was the first landing a tail first touchdown? <br />Looks close at :22 in the video.     
Don Maxwell - May 28,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    I think it's the camera angle, Dave. They all looked like good landings to me. SeaRey #1 had a very slight skip on the essentially glassy water--less than half a second. The other two were no-bouncers, although #2 was as close to perfection as I've ever seen anywhere. They all were beautiful to watch. <br /><br />Carol and I had the pleasure of their company, all three of them. But unfortunately they missed each other--#1 and #2 by a few minutes--and #3 by half a day.<br /><br />Buck's SeaRey (#3) was brand new--had been flying less than a week. He had departed the Orlando area around dawn that morning, had flown northwest to avoid some IFR weather in NE Florida, then turned east, toward the coast. He got this far by about 18:30. So it had been a long day of flying for him. I think he said this was his fourth solo seaplane landing.<br /><br />As you'll see in the video, Buck had something of a scare after he lowered the gear in a shallow place. He realized the mistake and raised the gear--but only one wheel came up. (Gulp.) Fortunately, he figured out that one actuator's circuit breaker had popped, pressed the breaker back in, and the gear cycled normally. <br /><br />But the tide was very low by then, so it seemed better for him to fly to KFCI instead of powering his way over the soft mud to reach the beach. He could have gotten onto the beach, but his pretty new airplane probably would have been muddy.     
John w Shirah - May 29,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey Don,<br /> When is your splash in at shangri ladi da? I am planning on joining the festivities!     
Don Maxwell - May 29,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    September 20, John. Here's an announcement: <a href="http://amphibflyer.wordpress.com/">http://amphibflyer.wordpress.com/</a><br /><br />But we're always delighted any time someone splashes in.     
Russ Garner - May 28,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Looked like a good time Don at least the Osprey chick got a lesson from his big Searey brothers.     
Daniel Paul Myers - May 28,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Awesome! looks like a fun time. thanks for taking us.     

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