Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Charlotte Harbor
Accidental Guest
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Posted By: Don Maxwell
Date Posted: Apr 30, 2017
Description: Delta Flight 110

The Boeing 767-400 had 46 windows in the aft compartment, 36 over the wings and 38 windows forward, 120 windows altogether. There were 44 rows of seats. Every seat was occupied.

It departed Buenos Aires at 20:20 local time and flew almost the entire length of South America at 30-some thousand feet, heading generally 337, on a clear night three days after the full moon, crossing the Andes at a slight angle, then over the Caribbean to Atlanta. 68.57 degrees of latitude, with the equator approximately in the middle.

Carol had a window seat on the starboard side. I was beside her on the aisle.

Looking past her head I watched as we climbed away from the bright lights of Buenos Aires and passed over the northern pampas, the various ciudades and pueblos, the dark masses of mountains with ice-white tops. The equator.

She fell asleep somewhere over Columbia.

No one else had seemed to notice the windows. They had watched garish movies flashing the LCD screens on the seatback a foot in front of their face.

Twice I walked the entire length of the cabin. Not one passenger was looking out a window. Not one.

Looking out north of Columbia one could see greys in the moonlight— bright light grey tops of scattered puffy cumulus clouds 20,000 feet below that dropped their black shadows like ink bombs down onto the pencil grey water of the Caribbean Sea.

Were the pilots watching? They could have turned the cockpit lights out…

Probably not. Probably only I saw the lights of the few ships, down there on the grey water, on islands…


How could anyone sit by a window all that night and not look out.
Date Taken: 2017-04-14
Place Taken: Over the Caribbean Sea
Owner: Don Maxwell
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Read what others had to say:

Don Maxwell - Apr 17,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Unintentional irony: a Delta napkin.

Ken Leonard - Apr 18,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It's such an odd feeling to be in a place so full of people and yet know you are alone in your experience.     
Steve Kessinger - Apr 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I've been doing a lot of SFO-Hangzhou's this year, Don, most of the time Business First is only 1/2 full and instead of going to the bunk upstairs for my break I'll grab a window seat, lay it flat with the dimmer off, let the airplane rock me to sleep by the sound of the engines and the light of the stars at 380. Wish it was something more of us could experience.

Are we lost, or are we found at last?
On earth we strive for our various needs, because so goes the fundamental law of man. Aloft, at least for a little while, the needs disappear. Likewise the striving.
In the thoughts of man aloft, good and evil become mixed and sometimes reversed. This is the open door to wisdom.
Aloft, the earth is ancient and man is young, regardless of his numbers, for there, aloft he may reaffirm his suspicions that he may not be so very much. This is the gateway to humility.
And yet, aloft there are moments when man can ask himself, ""what am I, this creature so important to me? Who is it rules me from birth to tomb? Am I but a slave destined to crawl for labor to hearth and back again? Am I but one of the living dead, or my own god set free?"" This is the invitation to full life. . . .
""Where are we?""
""If you really must know, I'll tell you.""
""Never mind. Here aloft, we are not lost, but found.""

— Ernest K. Gann, 'Ernest K. Gann's Flying Circus,' 1974.
Dave Edward - Apr 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Well said Steve. People used to say ,"" don't you get bored just sitting there ?""
With over 32,000 hours looking out the front windows, can honestly say "" No "".
There is just too much to look at and be awed.
Bill West - Apr 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I had the same experience and thoughts on a flight from Venice Italy to JFK. As we climbed out of that beautiful
spot and over the Alps, over Paris, and then over the icebergs filling the North Atlantic, my nose was glued to the
window. I think I actually annoyed people trying to sleep or watch bad TV. It was their sad loss to miss such
spectacular sights. Thanks for flying Delta. Keeps my retirement check coming. Hope your Patagonia trip went great Don.
Don Maxwell - Apr 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The trip was good, Bill. We went to the end of the earth. Evidence of that:

And at the corner of Magellan and Columbus. (Pardon the selfies.)



Corner Magellen and Columbus
Corner Magellen and Columbus

Don Maxwell - Apr 24,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Zowie! Maybe you've already seen this tim-lapse video shot from the cockpit of an airliner that the AOPA sent out in today's email--but why not watch it again: http://elsewhere.nine.com.au/2017/04/24/12/06/pilots-time-lapse-footage-flying-night-stars

Steve Kessinger - Apr 26,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Dang, someone did what I wanted to do.....

We were coming back form Tel Aviv Friday night/Saturday morning and recieved an unexpected treat, a Coronal Mass Ejection that produced some of the most spectacular Northern lights I've ever seen. Where was my camera? At home buried in a pile of Sun n Fun stuff. grrrr..... https://watchers.news/2017/04/22/g2-moderate-geomagnetic-storm-aurora-seen-as-far-south-as-colorado/

OTOH, they've named an Aurora ""Steve"". http://www.space.com/36583-new-aurora-feature-named-steve-investigated.html
Don Maxwell - Apr 26,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    You can still do it, Steve. Do it!

(Your ""watcher"" link is a great example of why science-deniers ought to go back to school--at least so they can read aloud what they don't want to agree with.)
Nickens, Dan - Apr 26,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    ""Steve""? Really? Shouldn't this be more appropriately called the ""Kessinger Effect""? That sounds impressive enough for such a magnificent aurora.     
Steve Kessinger - Apr 28,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    If it was called the Kessinger effect it would be full of hot air and easily distracted by something shiny, Dan.

Don, here's an image from a previous trip, an example of what might have been....


Don Maxwell - Apr 28,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Great shot, Steve. We've never seen an aurora in Virginia, but I remember seeing some wonderful ones when I was a kid in Cleveland. And once Carol and our kids and I camped at Hudson Bay for a week and had great shows every night.

Your shot looks fuzzy, as it it were out of focus--until we notice that the stars (or are they airplanes?) are in sharp focus. Very interesting.
Steve Kessinger - Apr 29,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I like to travel light and only carry a simple snap and shoot, Panasonic makes a great one called the the Lumix that shoots excellent pics, and has a wide variety of preprogrammed settings. For shots like that I use the Starry Sky setting with a 60 second exposure, but in that setting there's no autostabilization so it's hard to get a clean image, let alone considering the motion of the aurora and small jitters of the plane. (Those are stars, not planes.)

For only $230, its a real good camera.

North Pole ice (2).JP
North Pole ice (2)

Afghanistan (1).JP
Afghanistan (1)

STS-134 launch.JP
STS-134 launch

Afghanistan (2).JP
Afghanistan (2)


North Pole ice (1).JP
North Pole ice (1)

Warp speed.JP
Warp speed

Pyongyang enhanced.JP
Pyongyang enhanced



North Pole ice (3).JP
North Pole ice (3)


Don Maxwell - Apr 29,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Ha! Pyongyang NEEDS enhancement!     
Chuck Cavanaugh - Apr 29,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's my contribution to this wonderful thread.

We've been taking delivery of these (Next Gen) 737s for 20+ years. No ashtrays. Suddenly this?
Airworthiness Certificate dated
March, 2017. Gotta love Boeing. What, did they find an old box of ashtrays in a closet somewhere?

20170427 071539
20170427 071539

Chuck Cavanaugh - Apr 29,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Arrrrgghhh. The dreaded rotated picture. Now I remember why I rarely post here.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 30,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I fixed it, Chuck. It's now easy to correct for rotated pictures: Just click on the picture, then on Edit Picture. Rotate it, then save. Done!

Now you can post more often.

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