Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Posted By: Don Maxwell
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2016
Description: I went flying on a gorgeous partly cloudy glassywater day.

There's a video at https://youtu.be/fqfhTEQM08Y
Date Taken: 2016-02-17
Place Taken: Tar Bay, Virginia
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: WaterAndSky.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Dennis Scearce - Feb 19,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice picture, Don. Where's the surface? Whoops...too technical...     
Wayne Nagy - Feb 19,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great picture, Don! You framed it really well with the windscreen.     
Don Maxwell - Feb 19,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's a video to go with the photo:      Attachments:  

Water and Sky video
Water and Sky video

Don Maxwell - Feb 20,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Caveat: I've decided that this was a useful but failed video experiment, so I'm going to re-edit it. My original idea was to keep every frame of the raw video and try to synchronize it with the music track. That required speeding up long portions of the flying, and that made the video far too jerky for the effect I wanted--which was to mirror the serene-but-frightening effect of flying so close to the glassy water. I think the most speeding-up a video like this is can stand is about 2x. Any faster and it's painful to watch (unless it speeded up so much that even the jerkiness disappears in a blur). So instead of speeding it up, I'll cut out the boring parts and use long, slow dissolves to join the remaining clips.     
Robert Richardson IV - Feb 21,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, The video quality is great. as to the jerkiness, i think there is a wy to smooth it out in Final Cut Pro.     
Don Maxwell - Feb 22,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, I know how to smooth frame changes in slo-mo (in Final Cut), but haven't found a way to do it in speeded up clips. Looking...

Found it (again--I'd forgotten). Select the shaky clip and then click on the Stabilization checkbox (so it's blue).

Aw, pbbbbt! Stabilization works fine on shaky normal speed clips, but seems to do nothing on 8x speed clips.
Carr, Frank  - Feb 20,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Wasn't jerky or boring at all Don. I'd rather hear your audio commentary than the music since this is almost an instructional video.
Agreed with Dennis S, just watching it was still hard for me to tell when you were on the surface or flying, that being your point of
course. The video certainly captured the mirror surface effect. Good job, as usual. Add more commentary.
Don Maxwell - Feb 22,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Frank. It was another rather scary day of flying close to the water. Well, not really scary, but a bit unnerving, as I really couldn't tell my height anywhere except in the cats paws sequence, when the riffles made the surface obvious. On the first attempt I was just slightly too fast crossing Buzz Island, and then immediately it was IFR flying, except that I had no idea of how much too fast I was and was reluctant to make quick throttle changes. (I think that's a very bad situation to make stick changes.) I felt the hull touch the surface, but it was a very slow, gentle bounce. When I realized I was airborne again, it seemed sensible to power up and get up out of surface effect before trying again.

The riffles gave me confidence of my power and stick settings, so the second pass on glassy water went better, although without a really good LVR I had to be cautious.

Once down on the surface, it was just so serene that I broke one of my personal rules--don't step-taxi in areas you haven't just checked for floating stuff. That's when I circled Buzz Island on the step. (I think it's called Buzz Island because this used to be an airport. Or maybe because it looks like it just had a short haircut.) (I'm wary of wires, too: http://searey.us/splash/?Photos&p=SZINQ0000 )

Pilots and non-pilots seem to see videos like this very differently. Pilots are much more willing to forgive jerkiness, bad cuts, and engine noise than non-pilots are. A landplane pilot said, ""NO MUSIC! I want to hear the engine."" And Carol--who doesn't fly but generally enjoys riding in the Searey--said she wished the video had no engine noise at all and that the music were clearer and louder.
John Dunlop - Feb 22,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Wonderful technique Don,
and the flying was good too!
I side with the music, but perhaps you could sing the commentary ??
Eric Batterman - Feb 23,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I like the music, but want to clearly hear your commentary and exclamations.     
Don Maxwell - Feb 25,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    By popular demand (sort of), here's a smooth version: https://youtu.be/AMY5IJzhB6k

I slowed all the 20x parts to normal speed and condensed those parts with cuts and long dissolves. I like it much better this way because the video now comes closer to my experience of the flying and the water and sky and the music.

At the bottom of the text on that page are the lyrics in Spanish and English and a few other links about the song.

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