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Sunshine Underwing
Eaton's Beach Restaurant
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Posted By: Wayne Nagy
Date Posted: Feb 26, 2015
Description: OK science guys....why the salt stripes on a windy day? Inquiring
minds want to know!
Date Taken: 2-2015
Place Taken: Cape Coral
Owner: Wayne Nagy
File Name: IMG_3657.JPG   - Photo HTML
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Category: Florida_Flying
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Read what others had to say:

Steve Kessinger - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
Nickens, Dan - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Will you only accept scientific answers, Wayne? Would you consider other possibilities?

Scientists and engineers have cobbled together various explanations to account for such “wind streaks.” Back when I was a naïve student having my blank mind filled with such nonsense, a professor at the Department of Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering described the lines as “Langmuir Circulation.” As I learned later against historical evidence otherwise, the professor contended that Langmuir first described such lines in a seminal publication back in the late 1920’s (or was it the ‘30’s….I forget -10 points). The good professor Langmuir believed that the lines were a product of wind shear and conducted experiments to support his theory.

Things must have been much simpler back in those days. Now there are scientists and engineer that throw in such contributing factors as Stoke’s drift, convective contributions and even biological enhancements.

This decade’s favorite theory among our learned scientists and engineers goes something like this:
1. The wind blows (go figure)
2. The wind creates friction dragging across the top of the water (the wind works)
3. Shear is induced at the water’s surface (boundary layer discord)
4. Because wind is not a uniform, constant creature, the shear force is variable (huffing and puffing gusts)
5. Considering the water as consisting of thin layers similar to a layer cake, the shear force decreases with depth, (it gets tired)
6. The diminution of force with depth induces a circular motion parallel to the predominate wind axis (just rolling with it)
7. Aiding and abetting shear, evaporation at the water surface lowers the temperature at the surface boundary (setting up convective possibilities)
8. With time the circular motion generates parallel vortices (like the tornadoes off our wing tips)
9. Counter rotating horizontal vortices concentrate foam (aerated phosphates, oils and organic materials) whipped by the wind into long “wind rows”, in general accord with the Craik and Leibovich instability theory. (what?)
If you’re truly interested in such dribble, try “Langmuir Circulations” by Dr. Phillips’ (2001) available here: http://web.mechse.illinois.edu/media/pdfs/about/research/tam_reports/pdfs/987.pdf

Of course that may just all be nonsense. Like rainbows. You know, the colorful arc in the sky caused by dispersion of light. Or alternatively (or perhaps consistently), a sign posted in the heavens that God will not again destroy the world by complete inundation.

It could be that the wind streaks are a similar aquatic sign. Are you familiar with the story of Agnosticies? Her tale may better explain the why you ask.

As the story goes, Agnosticies was a simple house wife, happily tending to her family in the halcyon days of Atlantis. Then the gods caused winds and waves to rise so as to drown forever the civilization and people of Atlantis. (There were no rainbows in those days.)

The genocidal plan failed to account for the will of one woman to save her family from fickle gods. Agnosticies was not one to quietly slip into oblivion. Lashing together the floatsam of her drowning world, she gathered her young children onto a desperate raft. Battling the cataclysm with the all the strength of her soul, one seemingly ordinary mother managed to sail away from the mayhem right under the noses of the vengeful gods.

Escaping the aquatic carnage was slim solace for Agnosticies’ desperate plight. Floating with her brood on a precarious assemblage of debris was only a temporary reprieve. Agnosticies worked feverishly to keep her children above the careless waves. Through sheer determination she lashed together a simple sail cloth made of bed sheets for their makeshift raft.

Though her world had sank below the seas, she had heard of a greater land to the east. She arranged her sail and pointed towards that distant hope.

Agnosticies was no sailor. Her motherly skills held no favor against the inhumane elements of sun, sky and sea. She had no eye for the way of the winds. She could not divine the direction of the wind to set her sail.

Agnosticies and her little brood bobbled aimlessly upon the uncaring water. One by one, her little ones succumbed to cruel fate on the horizon-less liquid graveyard. With her children lying lifeless around her, too late she breathed her last breath in sight of the long sought safe haven of eastern shores.

Wind whipped waves wrecked the ghostly raft upon the land’s protective reefs. Agnosticies’ body sank beneath the waves to be received by enveloping tiny creatures of the deep. The strength of her will to save her family spread among them like a virus. In the face of the injustice of the gods, pure motherly love infected all the small creatures of the wind tossed surf. Such consciousness as there may be, unexpected and diverse in this unseen world, was forever changed.

Thereafter her spirit spread throughout the bioata of all unseen aquatic life. Across the globe they gathered against the elements to paint wind lines for wayward voyagers. Now, when you look upon the waters with long streaks marking the wind, it is those small creatures imbued with Agnoticies’s loving will showing a way to steer to safe refuge.

Why? All of life is interconnected forever.

Or, maybe there is no why: it’s just the physics of friction and convection.

You are free to believe whatever works for you.

Anyway, it’s great to see the wind delineated, isn’t it?
Don Maxwell - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Ah. Mayhap this might elucidate Dan's agnostical thesis: http://cosmictriggerplay.com/fnord-policy/ Or not.     
Kenneth Leonard - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Uh, cuz the foam has higher viscosity than the water so it sticks to itself. The wind and waves do the rest.
Or, it could be magic. What Dan said.
Tom White - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Sheesh. Did anybody else (other than me) just want to step taxi zig zagging through them...sorta like fresh powder on a downhill run?     
Wayne Nagy - Feb 27,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you , Dan . I am finally edumacated ...and to quickly switch gears...fresh powder is what I will see in Telluride on Sunday,
Tom...33"" of fresh powder this past week with more expected each day that I will be there! Powwwdaaaah! :-)
Tom White - Feb 28,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Just got drought bit last week in Tahoe. Four days with not a snowflake anywhere. The hiking trails around Emerald Bay were open though.

Weather reports are flying related, right?

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