Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 13,Concern for Jemima

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Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jun 14,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    While Dan as been providing the most wonderful photos some of us are stuck with the mere mundane.<br /><br />Ontario may have been sweltering but the weather here has been more than frustrating. We did have a good week but I had a deck to renovate and it could not wait. Since the deck was done we have had two weeks of low scudding cloud and chilling rain.<br /><br />Saturday 4th of June was a bit better and there was a fly in an hour and a half away in Langley so I got Jemima gassed up and off I went. The trip down was good and by Vancouver the weather had cleared. By the time I called Langley Tower at five miles I was only concerned about finding a field I had never seen before. <br /><br />“Juliet Hotel Golf turn right to 250 to the 232nd Street intersection, straight in approach behind the Luscombe.” Well, that solves that then, but I haven’t done a straight in since 1966, and anyway it was more like a tight S. It felt a bit odd but I got her flaps down and on the center line for 19. “JHG, clear to land, wind is 240 at 10.” I noted the hangars about 40 yards off the runway. I flaired just as normal and arrived on the threshold ready for the float. She didn’t. No float, no bounce, not even that feeling of lightness on the wheels. She just stopped flying, plonk. Lucky I was not high as usual, I guess.<br /><br />After the Fly in I hopped over to Fred’s place for a quick ‘Hello’ and some gas. “Don’t leave it too late, looks like the weather is changing,” said Fred. After a really lousy take off, I headed North to the harbour and then along the North Shore low level route through the Harbour Zone. The trip North up Howe Sound was a joy, sunny and smooth. Squamish loomed up with cloud in the valley but as I rounded the sentry hills I could see the route to Whistler was clear and bright, the side valleys were filled with dark clouds below my 3,000 feet and slanting rain but there was only one small cell on my route and it was easily skirted.<br /><br />The air got progressively bumpier as I flew on North to Whistler. I flew over the lake to check out the wind direction, cranked down some flap before I crested the ridge on downwind, good job too because when I started my turn in I got very busy. Down close to the water I couldn’t see white caps but the gusts were all over the place and in different directions. The first landing wasn’t good, two bounces and getting bigger, I went around. The second one I just about nailed it, in spite of the gusts, down with that nice smooth skittering, throttle back, suddenly she’s ten feet up and nose high. Power on and settle back carefully. Taxi in and moor on the dock, extra lines to stop Jemima bumping around. Go make dinner for the kids because CD is in Vancouver.<br /><br />The clouds have been wafting 200 ft over the lake all week, it clears just enough for a local sight seeing flight by the Otter about four o’clock but by then it’s windy and gusty till about eight.<br /><br />Tomorrow I guess we’ll start the work on the drive, that should make it sunny again.<br />     
Dave Edward - Jun 14,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Chris....my second son and wife...and grandson live in North Van. Richard has seen you and heard you many times as you head up the valley.<br />Regarding the aborted landings in gusts...don't play with the water...go to a landing strip. What hull have you got?<br />Dave     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jun 15,2005   Viewers  | Reply
Dave Edward - Jun 15,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    You were lucky....     

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