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Category: 370,SuperĀ Petrel

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Sean Klatt - Jun 29,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I recently came discovered the Super Petrel amphib. I love the look of this plane. It's from Brazil, sells as a kit plane and a <br />factory built LSA coming to the US soon. I understand some of the kits are flying in the US and was wondering if anyone has had <br />the chance to fly in one. Any comments of this aircraft 'good or bad' I like to know about it.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jun 29,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Don't bother asking these guys. I was going to pick the Super Petrel before these guys talked me into the Sea Rea. If you get one, you'll be lonely with no one to fly with or talk to. The only US dealer died and has not been replaced. The Canadian dealer also stopped being a dealer. <br />I talked with the Brazilian manufacture and they said I could buy direct from them but the shipping to the US was $5000.00. I did like the price for the kit. It was $27000.00 and the kit looked like a very quick build. the wings were assembled, the gear was installed.<br />They have a photo of the kit laid out on the floor of a warehouse on their web site, something I have not seen many manufactures do. The price for the fully assembled plane was $77,727.00, a price that almost make you think,'why bother with the kit at that price. I don't know how much deferent the LSA is from the fully assembled plane they were selling a year ago when I got these prices. <br />The problem I had is I could not find any one local who had one. I wanted to see it in person and fly in one, but the US dealer died before I could take a test flight. He was in Georgia, only a 6 hour drive for me.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jun 29,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Oh, They also will tell you about the Super Petrel that lost the tail boom in flight and crashed, but from what I read, The plane was left in the water tide to a tree with a rope attached to the tail boom and found the next day sunk. The plane was pulled out of the water by the rope attached to the tail. That same plane some time later lost the tail boom in flight and crashed. So I don't think the plane has a design flaw. I also looked for crash reports on the Super Petrel and only found a couple including this one. not any where near as many as the Sea Rey.<br />Also the tricycle gear my have a problem beaching in sand and I heard that the nose wheel can collapse.     
Philip Mendelson - Jun 30,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Sean, at the risk of repeating myself. ALL airplanes require maintenance and techical<br />support. I have owned a Searey for almost six years. The help and support from the Progressive people as well as this site has been unbelievably Great!<br />Some of my closest friendships have formed because of this great craft...<br />I have been flying since I was eleven, now 53. I have never had so much fun and joy with an aircraft, as the Searey.     
Sean Klatt - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Thomas and Philip, Thanks for the input. I can see that the support of this group is outstanding. Very few <br />companies have such a loyal group of customers. These days I tend to look towards the factory built <br />options. I don't think many will want a ride with me when they see the EXPERIMENTAL on the side of a <br />plane. Even though at one time I was fuselage and structure mechanic on the MD-11. Must be those <br />stories I told everyone about how commercial planes are built; but they still go ahead and fly anyways. <br />The LSX looks good but then you start moving into a new price range. The next thing you know you start <br />looking at planes like the Seamax or the Super Petrel because now you're right around the 100K mark, so <br />might as well check them out. <br />I have a feeling we will see more on the Super Petrel in the United States soon.<br /><br />     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I corresponded with the president of Edra Aeronautica, the manufacture and downloaded their Price list and assembly manual and found they had the best price I have seen for an amphibian. Their labor cost must be low to price an assembled plane with engine and instruments and paint at only $50,000.00 over the kit without engine, instruments or paint. figure $25,000. for the 912s and instruments.<br />I think the SeaRey Sport is going to be $90,000.00 to $115,000.00. Of course I got those prices a year ago before they had the Super Petrel LSA and the LSA may be higher.     
Jeff Arnold - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The Petrel has been around for a number of years. If the price is much lower than the Searey, I would wonder why it is that there are so many more Seareys buzzing around than there are Petrels. There were about 15 Seareys at the SnF splash in - more than ANY other model (including Lakes). I have never seen a real Petrel.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The Canadian Dealer started to manufacture from kits and was to start making his own parts. I fly from the same airport, though I have not bumped into him for quite a while now and I have only ever once seen one of his planes taking off.<br /><br />I was sat next to him at Abbotsford airshow three years ago. My impression was that the wings are made up of very light fibre glass ribs (I don't think they were carbon) and the whole aircraft, apart from the boom, was a fibreglass monocoque. Looked very light indeed.<br /><br />I would add more buy we are a little short of light and there is a thunderstorm here, )Siem Reap) What I can tell you is<br /><br />Angkor Wat<br />Is very hot<br />It knows Wat is<br />And What is not.<br /><br />(All in the tying of a cravat?)     
Don Maxwell - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I've never seen one, Sean, except in photos. It may be a terrific airplane--if you don't mind that it has an extra wing to obstruct your view and that surely must get wet with every water landing and takeoff, a nosewheel that will dig into soft sand and will dig deeper when you try to power yourself out, and a 'death' canopy that won't open readily (if at all) if the airplane is inverted in a water mishap.     
Randolph Palma - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Initially I too was a big fan of the Petrel. It actually started out as a French design but somehow ended up in Brazil. Other than the support issues and community issues that have already been mentioned the biggest negative for me was and is the canopy. Not so much the underwater egress issue but just that you can't open them in flight. You can either fly with them completely off or fly with them completely on but not in between. Sort of like having a sports car that you can either leave the top at home or on the car. Being in South Florida that aircraft would be way too hot to fly around with the canopy in place. Plus the threat of rain is always there so I really need a canopy more like the Searey. Additionally the Petrel does not appear to have as much cargo capacity to me as does the Searey. If you really like the Petrel maybe you should get one and volunteer to be the dealer.     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I saw a pic of a sliding canopy mod on the Canadian site. As far as being a dealer, if I came into some lotto money, I would buy this old car dealer lot next to the main entrance to the Leesburg Airport. The front of the property is on the main hi way to Downtown Leesburg and the back end of the property backs up to the condo hanger area of the airport. I would leave the old service building as hanger space and put a large all glass front building facing the main hi way and open a Light Sport Aircraft Dealership and Pilot Store. <br />I would put a Light Sport plane and a kit plane laid out on the floor in the show room that drivers can see from the hi way in the front of the glass front building and the pilot supply area and clothing in back like a Harley-Davidson Dealership.<br /> I think more non-pilot people that might be interested in flying and training would stop in if they can see it from the Hi way and did not have to drive into an airport.     
Randolph Palma - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom,<br />Do you have a link to the picture of the Petrel with the sliding canopy ? That is something I have never seen and have often wondered about how it would be done.<br />Thanks,<br />Randy     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Jul 01,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    It was on AAC Amphibian Airplanes of Canada <a href="http://www.seastaramphibian.com/">www.seastaramphibian.com</a><br />I think you have to go to the contact section an give them your info and they will send you an email with pics of the planes that are for sale. but you might get there from the links section.     
Randolph Palma - Jul 02,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I was not able to find it but I did notice that they moved the fuel tanks from behind the seats to up in the wing which is something I really wish Searey would do as well. That would open up an enormous area to carry cargo and probably result in people overloading the aircraft but I would still like the option of having that area for cargo and have the fuel up in the wings where it belongs.     

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