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Tom White - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Last week, a dent of unknown origin appeared on DaPlane’s starboard float support main tube. The prop has no new dents and so was dismissed as the source of the projectile.<br /><br />One disturbing, but probable, theory is that the dent was made by a bullet. A borrowed .38cal wad cutter round fits the indentation perfectly. (The round, if that is what it was, was probably pretty low in energy when it struck the tube.)<br /><br />A couple of officers with the airport police investigated and commiserated, but without me being able to supply details on whom, where and when were not willing to file an official report. One offered that lasers pointed at ac were on their hotlist and they could file a report about that if it ever happened. <br /><br />Lasers, Si. Bullets, No.<br /><br />Cross wind for LGB 25R is over notorious North Long Beach. .38’s are probably not the handgun of choice for gang bangers, and even if so, target practice rounds would probably not be their ammo of choice.<br /><br />The 605 base to final turn, however, is directly over the Long Beach Police Academy pistol range (very active.)<br /><br />Hmmm.<br /><br />Tonight, taxing back to the hanger after a twilight cruise, I was flagged down by Bruce (a Cutless driver). With knowledge of my recent issue, he excitedly pointed out a new dent in the back side of his starboard flap. To my untrained eye, his dent looked a lot like I suspect that a .45cal ball strike would look.<br /><br />Sheesh. There is little probability that my suspicions are correct as hitting an aircraft at pattern altitude with a handgun is unlikely. If future events prove otherwise… <br />      Attachments:  

Wad cutter 005.jpg
Wad cutter 005

Wad cutter 006.jpg
Wad cutter 006

Wad cutter 009.jpg
Wad cutter 009


Wad cutter 012.jpg
Wad cutter 012

David Mazer - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom, a while back I noticed a something sticking out of top of <br />my right wing. On further inspection it turned out to be a bullet <br />hole through and through. Unlike your police, even without any <br />details of when or where, an airport, local, and federal report <br />was filed.     
Bruno Grondin - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Here in Quebec we have an Indian reserve and it had been known not to fly too low over it. Some say that they got shot but without structural impacts, they say only bottom of their underwear where injured....     
Roberta Hegy - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    From the photo # 12, the dent appears to have a hexagonal shape and the angle of trajectory looks like it could have bounced off the prop. Could this have been a bolt that got loose or possibly one left somewhere in the airframe and worked it's way out?     
Don Maxwell - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    It looks that way to me, too, Roberta--although I can't explain why the opposite side of the indentation appears to be round. This reminds me of the time Carol and I were flying over Fort Drum, in northwest New York state when some G.I. training for deployment to Iraq shot up one blade of my prop. That's my story, anyway. Several months later I noticed that a bolt was missing from the exhaust system. It appeared to have been missing for some time, but I'm sure that it was not related to the prop damage.     
Steve Gromak - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    There ain't any way that's from a bullet, makes for a good story but absolutely no way a bullet is going to leave an indentation like that.     
Dave Lima - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Agreed...it's got AN-4 written all over it.     
Kenneth Leonard - Jan 25,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I wouldn't say it's impossible, but doubtful that it's a bullet. My vote is for bolt head at high speed off either the prop or perhaps the alternator belt? (check the alternator supports and belt for marks)     
Larry Hittell - Jan 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom, it looks like it was a nut not a bolt that hit the support because of the circular center. You may or may not have lost the bolt , just the nut.Thats my theory.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Jan 27,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Unfortunately, it's more than a possible good story. There are cases of light planes coming home with small bullet holes. It is easy to inadvertently fly over someone who has something illegal growing in his backyard, and he is very nervous about anyone flying overhead.     
Roberta Hegy - Jan 28,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Wouldn't shooting them down attract more attention?     
Steve Gromak - Jan 28,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Exactly right Roberta, you're more likely to get a lazer in the eye than shot at, most pot growers don't want the attention.     

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