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 - Apr 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    For the last couple of days I've been pouring through the back posts.<br /><br />I do have a couple of questions on the engines.<br /><br />I'm gathering that the 914 is a turboed version of the 912, but which 912? I'm assuming it is the 80 horse because I read that it has less vibration that the 100 horse. I've read that the 100 horse has more vibration than the 80, so that's were I'm making that assumption.<br /><br />I was also told that at a quick glance, you can tell the difference between the engines by the rocker covers, black 80, green 100, red 115. I understand that there was also some aftermarket upgrades on the engine. The reason I'm curious on this is because there is a broker in BS trying to move a Rey with a 'Factory New Rotax 912S' that has black rocker covers (dark in the images but definitely not green). Would this most likely be a misprint?<br /><br />How 'noisy' are the engines? Is there a 'best' exhaust to choose? (Stainlss, ceramic etc?).<br /><br />Any thoughts appreciated.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Jim, at the usual risk of running afoul of the Technical Police here--everything you've said is correct, except for that '912S' with black rocker covers. The 914 comes with a complete exhaust system (because of the turbo). There are many different exhausts in use with the 912 and 912S, some quieter than others.     
 - Apr 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    'Jim, at the usual risk of running afoul of the Technical Police here...'<br /><br />Well I certainly apologize if my questions are in some way 'taboo'. I'm new to the site and new to the aircraft. Just trying to get info to make a purchasing decision.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    No prob, Jim. We've debated the technical rule here forever (there are several good reasons for it), and we all know the problems of getting info. You can email almost anyone here with technical questions and expect ready answers.     

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