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Category: 168,Flying Safety

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Russ Garner - Dec 11,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    More GoPro video      Attachments:  

Working with a tail wind
Working with a tail wind

Frank A. Carr - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Another good video Russ. Your lake water must be pretty clean, can see the wheel hub <br />when down under water.<br /><br />What's the capability of patching in audio to a GoPro?     
Russ Garner - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, the water in Lake Arietta is comes from a couple of springs so we've been told. Suppose to be the cleanest lake in polk county. I don't know if I know what your talking about on the GoPro audio. It has a audio jack on the camera that you can plug a mic into. The software I have lets you add or remove a sound track as you edit the movie.     
Don Maxwell - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Missed approach. Makes me feel better to know you've had to do it there, too, Russ.     
Russ Garner - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Missed approach? Don, I don't think I have ever missed an approach in my Searey I've bounced a few water landing and had to power out of that.     
Don Maxwell - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Sorry, Russ. I was thinking of your 360 when approaching shore--should have said so instead of trying to be clever. <p>I have to do a 360 now and then up here when there's a following wind pushing me onto shore before I can get lined up right. .<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Russ Garner - Dec 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    More GoPro video. Series of videos I did today on my way over to tryout the Tailwinds Dinner at Lakeland Linder. I've heard they are doing well and if the brunch I had this morning is any example of the other meals I can see why. Great food at a fair price. The only drawback was they make you park and walk over from a FBO next to the main terminal building do to the defunked commercial airline business that went belly up. I don't know why but it caused them to close the main terminal ramp. Only about a five minute walk though. The other park of these video's can be used as a guide to the Lake Parker approach into Sun N Fun if you like. Click on my channels to see the whole series of Sun N Fun videos      Attachments:  

Lake Parker approach to SNF and the Tailwind Dinner
Lake Parker approach to SNF and the Tailwind Dinner


Link to my Youtube channels
Link to my Youtube channels

Daniel Paul Myers - Dec 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Keep the videos coming. When I don't get the opportunity to fly on days like today, youtube <br />videos quench my addiction....     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 17,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    More neat videos Russ, thanks for posting. After landing LAL the taxi seemed as long as the flight over. And I like how easily your canopy slides back!<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Russ Garner - Dec 17,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, and that's after I landed almost halfway down the 8500' runway. The windows have a mind of their own.     

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