Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 516,Honoring Vets

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Wayne Nagy - Dec 11,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes...last minute...BUT..."we" will do it for the Veterans...I have been asked by the organizer of the ONLY Water "floating"Wreath Laying Ceremony in the country... to honor the Veterans lost/buried at sea. This SATURDAY , DECEMBER 15th "we"(SeaReys- the perfect type of seaplane to honor the vets at sea ) will gather at Page Field FMY around 10 AM and fly a missing man formation over the floatilla as they proceed out to sea West of Ft Myers Beach...Afterward I figure we could swing north to have lunch at the cafe on the Punta Gorda Airport...shake hands and go our merry ways...so far it's ME and FRANK and possibly RON...anybody out there up for an adventure to SW Florida to be part of a national event for the Veterans??? It will be memorable!! Info below... OPERATION: TRIBUTE AT SEA Each of the seven Ceremonial Remembrance Wreaths honors all military members from each branch (including Merchant Marine & POW/MIA) lost/buried at sea and those that still serve today. An 87 foot Coast Guard Cutter will lead the floatilla of boats of all shape and sizes. Once the service is complete, we will circle the wreaths and the Marlin (rose petals should be done at this point if you wish) light, sirens and/or horns are welcome -then depart to your home ports. Special note: BoatPix.com will have a helicopter taking pictures of each vessel on plane and most likely an aerial group shot. Pictures will be available for sale on their website. Make sure your vessels are picture perfect – USA Flags should be displayed proudly! Plus news organizations from many areas of the country will be broadcasting from the boats. On behalf of Wreaths Across America, we would like to thank each and every one participating with us for your support and patriotism. You are all part of a very unique location within the Wreaths Across America organization as this location has been designated as the First Wreaths Across America “Floating” location within the USA. This is our fourth year organizing this event and we are VERY PROUD and HONORED to state that this is still the ONLY location to hold this type of service at sea. cOME ON, gUYS. wHAT DA YA SAY???????????????????????????????? <!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 11,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes... Mogas is available at Page FMY.....<br />safety is number 1.... Very loose formation (s) ...straight flight over flotilla.. Over a ' runway ' the whole <br />time ( Gulf! ).     
Kenneth Leonard - Dec 11,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Wayne - I'm off Friday but it seems doubtful I can get down there by 10 (appointment at 7am) Will let you know if I can have the plane ready Thursday PM.     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Ken ! The flotilla will be going under the Sanibel bridge at 11. If we depart at 11 we can fly over <br />the group between 11 and 12 as they cruise to the honor location 3 miles out . This will give us time to <br />slowly fly over the procession widely circle and repeat . We will be the only aerial group honoring the <br />vets. Weather will be perfect... Light winds... Sunny... 80*...     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I like your forecast Wayne, will you keep doing that for the rest of the winter please?     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    The will actually spread the ashes of a veteran to make the event more personal. My dad was a Marine <br />who fought in World War II and he was buried at sea.     
Kenneth Leonard - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I have a friend who flys his specially modified Grumman Tiger out of Wimauma that has a business he calls 'aerial ashes' and will spread a loved one's ashes wherever the family likes. I'm sure he'd be happy to be involved with this kind of thing in the future. He doesn't talk about it, but I'm pretty sure he was a marine sniper.     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 12,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    SATURDAY , DECEMBER 15th... Not Friday as previously stated... SATURdAY, DECEMBER 15th... If <br />you arrive early the brand new FBO will have free coffee and cookies !     
Dan Nickens - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    What a great idea, Wayne! Where shall we meet? At the Base Ops FBO? 1030?     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    10:30 at the FBO would be great Dan! Call me anytime.... 239-209-8612<br />The article in the paper said they expect at least 40 boats in the flotilla. Our missing man formation<br />Will be a great way to honor our Veterans... And we will have a great time in the process!<br />     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 13,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Shall we meet at Base Ops at 1030 with our SeaReys as I <br />assume?     
Wayne Nagy - Dec 14,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes Frank... Between 10 and 10:30... I will be there at 10...the FBO and Tower have been notified . The <br />veterans organization is really excited that we are participating... They said it will be the first time in the <br />history of this honors event that they will have an aerial contingent... For you last minute adventure <br />seekers ... Be at FMY Saturday morning... The more... The merrier.... Plus you will enjoy the islands ( <br />Sannibel , Captiva, Ect and all the inland water.. PLUS lunch!     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 15,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Wayne, Ron Sheradin and I were able to do a 3-SeaRey aerial <br />flyby this morning; Orlando <br />area SeaReys were fogged in. A couple of photos:      Attachments:  

Flotilla Headed into Gulf.jpg
Flotilla Headed into Gulf

Wayne Approaches USCG Cutter.jpg
Wayne Approaches USCG Cutter


USCG Vessel.jpg
USCG Vessel

Dan Nickens - Dec 15,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Good show, guys, inspite of your support SeaReys getting cut off by the fog.     
Kenneth Leonard - Dec 15,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Glad some guys could make it - I was actually ready and had the plane washed, but couldn't see across the lake before 10am &amp; the fog was still at 100' until afternoon.     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Interesting Wayne that the publicity should mention the Boat.Pix helicopter which was the only item of concern during our flight--it having done a pass off my Port side very close. They photo'd our boat in Lake Hartwell, SC, and they have the worst customer relations approach of any company I've ever tried to deal with.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     

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