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Category: 1139,Garner''s Landing, 542,GoPro Cameras

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Russ Garner - Dec 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Radio Shack 6000mAh portable power pack. Could be used as a portable power backup for the GoPro cameras and other devices. Has two USB ports to charge GoPro cameras batteries while in flight. $50 at RS.      Attachments:  

Radio Shack protable power pack
Radio Shack protable power pack

Frank A. Carr - Dec 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    So will you mount this out on the wing Russ?     
Russ Garner - Dec 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Yep Frank, well on the tube I have tied to the top of the struts as a mount. The camera battery and rechargeable WiFi battery last about an hour so hocking a power supply to both of them should get me another hour maybe two.     
Frank A. Carr - Dec 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I timed my Hero 3 battery the other day; lasted 60 mins of which 58 mins was actual recording in the video 720 x 60 mode. But I suspect that standby with no recording might not be much more than 60 mins.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Russ Garner - Dec 11,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, I made this power supply from a four AA battery holder I bought from Radio Shack and a mini USB cable that I had. Four AA's will give you 6vdc which is what you get from your computers USB connection to charge the batteries. You can use rechargeable batteries also but they will typically not last as long as alkaline batteries. Four AA alkaline batteries will give you between 2800-4000 mA at 6vdc. Four fresh AA battery power supply should supply 2 hours of recording time for the GoPro 3 with the built-in Wifi. The GoPro Hero 2's like I have would need two power supplies, one for the camera and one for the Wifi backpack if you're using one. You will need to drill holes in the plastic case for the camera to plug in these power supplies.      Attachments:  

DSC 1543.jpg
DSC 1543

Frank A. Carr - Dec 11,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Russ, Good work on the battery supplies. After an hour of recording I think the sheer volume of data will overwhelm my ability to edit. An additional 4 AA batteries will yield so much data that I'll need a new hard drive too! :-)<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Russ Garner - Dec 11,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I break it up Frank by turning the camera record off until something I think would be interesting comes along. I shot a little today that might be fun for us bird dodgers.     

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