Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 13,Concern for Jemima

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Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Oct 19,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    I have had three helicopter rides in my life. My 11 ear old got two helicopter rides just today.<br /><br />Yesterday he went off with a couple of teachers and fourteen friends to a choir retreat at the Pemberton Outdoor Centre. Overnight we have had heavy rain and flash floods, washed out bridges overtopped dams.<br /><br />Local authorities made the decision to evacuate large portions of Pemberton, including the kids. The were heli lifted by a local company to the local High School. Later it was decided to bring them back to Whistler but a bridge across the main road has been washed out so they had a helicopter ride back.<br /><br />Meanwhile I was sitting watching the news just now and there was a picture of Pemberton Airport. All the planes parked out on the field are immersed so you can just see the tips of the props and a couple of their wings. Sadly one of them is a floatplane, no one got out there and let go the tie downs. I was there yesterday about 5pm and there was no water on the airport at all, the river was still four or five feet below it's banks so it must have come up about 7 or 8 feet just overnight. The hangars are built up about five or six feet, I just hope Jemima is OK and if there is any water in the hangar they have had the sense to tie her off so she does not float around and get damaged. I can't get there or I could fly here out. Classic.     
Dan Nickens - Oct 19,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Even if she floats a bit I'm guessing she'll be all right, Chris. I hope so. Let us know as soon as you find out.     
John Robert Dunlop - Oct 19,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Good luck Chris.. Fingers crossed..     
Randy Wilder - Oct 19,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    We're all awaiting the news... good news hopefully.     
Dirck Hecking - Oct 20,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Chris, the Searey would, by design,do better than most in this situation. Take some pictures if you can... Good luck!<br /><br />Dirck Hecking     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Oct 20,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Update<br />A bridge is washed out on the road to Pemberton, no one in or out for three or four days. Whistler has been cut off for two days and I spent the weekend helping out on the phones at the local floatplane company. I owed Mike as he came and helped me complete my first five hours on Jemima when I was desperate. The phones rang literally every thirty seconds for fourteen hours. We moved two hundred odd people on Saturday and three hundred fifty on Sunday in Beavers, Turbo Otters, caravans, and twin Otters, anything we could charter in a hurry. Chaos, our floatplane dock looked like a watery YVR during a strike!<br /><br />Well we had about another hundred booked already for this morning but they opened the road last night and all bets were off. Now it turns out they are taking people thru ten at a time, the line up is 4 Kilometres long and they are closing again in five minutes. It started some serious rain again last night and this morning it flying is out as well. Vis down to a couple of hundred feet and cloud down to the valley floor.<br /><br />Word on Jemima is that water is 1 ft to 18 ' over the hangar floor but not even the heli guys are being allowed down there because the road, which runs along the top of a dyke between the river and the airfield is two or three feet under water. I am concerned, not that she will not float but because there are two other planes and a load of John's equipment and building material in there. If she floats around a bit and then comes down on something.... well I can't do anything about it at the moment. I thought of begging Fred to fly up yesterday and then taking me up there to land on the runway, (wheels up of course now that would be strange) so I could Galosh it to the hangar but most of the day flying was 12,000 ft or nothing. Our lake, as it often does, sat in a patch of blue sky all afternoon. The planes were coming GPS to overhead and just dropping down thru the hole. I have not had this much excitement in, well, just ages.<br /><br />Now we have just been told there is no gas left in the gas stations and won't be until they get a truck thru, at least after the road closure which will last till three oclock.<br /><br />Sign us 'Chaotic in Lotus Land.'     
John Robert Dunlop - Oct 20,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Gosh Chris! And I complain about snow!! Thanks for the update. Listening out..     
Frank A. Carr - Oct 21,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    Chris,<br />Still holding our fingers crossed for you all up there.<br />Frank<br />     

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