Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 98,Accidents/Incidents

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Bruce Bennett - Aug 04,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Out of a vote of 2 to 3 Administrators, information regarding a SeaRey was deleted. The Technical site is the appropriate place for this type of information.<br /><br /> Judy Bennett     
Scott Lewis - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    I know I'm new to this site and if I am about to ruffle some feathers I apologize, with that said, Idon't get it..... I thought this site was for fun and information. A crash is reality not technical and if posting it can be of help to others and perhaps save a life than why remove it? Maybe this site should be called fantasy of flight.     
Jon Ladd - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Scott, We have a site that is appropriate to dicuss serious matters like accidents and flight safety. It is for owners and builders of the searey. Unfortunately for Frank, he is the first and only one ever to be barred from using the technical site for numerous transgressions. Now he is baiting the administrators of this site. Good clean fun that we can all sit back and enjoy.     
Scott Lewis - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    I apologize if my comments were inappropriate, I was just voicing my opinion and sometimes that gets me in trouble. I look forward to spending time reading getting to know you all and contributing to this site.<br />However I still don’t see that accident on the technical site. <br />     
Dan Nickens - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    My apologies to you, Judy and Don, about missing your vote. I suppose a computer crash qualifies me to be 'reality based' administrator. If I had not been incommunicato I would have endorsed your decision to remove the 'crash' photo. Perhaps a bit of site history will clarify why such postings are not appropriate to this site.<br /><br />In the beginning, the Great Original Administrator created a web site to share information. Some SeaRey fliers and builders posted anything and everything, and saw that it was good. As the days past, however, Mischief Doers found their way on to the site. The Mischief Doers posted fun stuff, political stuff, and politically incorrect stuff. This stuff drove the Serious SeaRey Fliers crazy and they complained mightily. The Great Original Administrator considered what he had created, and told everyone to chill. A caption was created, 'Chat', to allow the Mischief Doers free speech while molifying the Serious SeaRey Fliers.<br /><br />As time flew on the Original Site grew and prospered. On the horizon, however, dark storm clouds gathered. Some Fiendish Non-SeaRey Dealers snuck onto the site and harvested the postings of the SeaRey Disciples. Misquoting the devout and taking their postings out of context led to great harm to the SeaRey creators. In a flash of electrons, the Great Original Administrator banished all the lurkers and decreed that the SeaRey site would remain free of fiends.<br /><br />The decree was soon undermined by a friendly fiend that lured the good SeaRey children to a new site with the idolotry of images. Like lemmings the faithful followed and the Great Original Administrator moved on to bigger and better creations.<br /><br />Controversy would not be held in abatement on the glorious new site. The Friendly but Flawed Administrator banished a good SeaRey owner for unjust cause. The revolt that followed fostered two new sites: the all serious, all the time exclusive SeaRey Technical Site and the social site, Splash &amp; Dash Seaplane Delights.<br /><br />The SeaRey Technical Site grew rigid and structured, with Ten Commandments and Rules for all the SeaRey Disciples. Infidels were banished from its exclusive ranks.<br /><br />Splash &amp; Dash followed a more bohemian course. It skipped merrily along without rules or restrictions or even a cause. Such is the nature of fun.<br /><br />Predictably, unfun stuff occassionally appeared. Some Mischief Doers took to posting technical stuff. Some political stuff, some religious stuff, and some stuff stuff found its way into the great SnD amusement vaults. Darkly, however, some personal aspersions of a most unfunny nature reared their ugly heads. The mostly carefree triumverate of site Administration was forced to interceed. With uncharacteristic surgical precision the unhealthy postings were excised. That same fate befell the crash photo.<br /><br /> So some now ask, what of Splash &amp; Dash? Why shouldn't we post pictures of doom and gloom deep in watery wombs, of gear retraction bolting attachment garfunkels, of the foolishness of unwashed members, or the righteous politics of the know-it-all fervent and feverous fellows?<br /><br />Mostly you can. Mostly anything goes. The long suffering Administrators are mostly out flying. Freedom of postings is mostly the norm.<br /><br />Be mostly cautious, though, when a posting is unfun. If it is not splashing or dashing, there might be a better place for it.<br /><br />There are matters of a social nature that are not frivilous but appropriate. The passing of a colleague to the Great Sky above is worthy of note to friends who care. The dunking of a favorite cell phone through misfortune and neglict may even be of interest. Some dark matters can be discussed without exceeding social norms. Even on a site without constitutions, without rules or regulations, most know when a posting is out-of-bounds. Mostly the administrators agree. Sayeth one, 'I mostly know 'em when I see 'em.'<br /><br />Here are some suggestions for the dour, the engineers, the political radicals and the sanctimonious:<br />- if you must post a technical comment, do it on a serious site like the SeaRey Technical Site;<br />- if you want to critically compare seaplanes, amphibians and sport floats of the light variety, post it on Administrator Gracy's SELSA site;<br />- if you have a serious comment about seaplane safety, post it on a general seaplane site like the Seaplane Pilots Association;<br />- if you think a member doesn't use enough deoderant, send your comment directly to the stinky persons e-mail;<br />- if you want to complain about the conduct of world wars and hippies, do it on the Republican National Committee site.<br />If none of those work for your posting, start your own site. It's fun. It's exciting. It's empowering. I'm sure we'll all be interested....if we are not out flying.<br /><br />     
Dave Edward - Aug 06,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    As usual, well said Dan.<br />Sorry I missed you and Ann...&amp; Zack by one day. Next year!     
Bruce Bennett - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Scott,<br />If you just look at the News section in the Technical site, you will see the word More at the bottom of the News section, then click on More and you will see something about the SeaRey in question. After you click on that, then there is a link that you can go to which will take you to the story and picture. Judy     
Scott Lewis - Aug 05,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you Judy     

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