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Swede Rundquist - Nov 21,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    As some of you know, I christened my Searey with the gear down. I'm well on my way in the rebuild but the FAA wants me to take a check ride in a like aircraft. Obviously mine won't be ready in the time frame they have established.<br /> <br />What I need is some one with a 912 who could fly down to my house on Lake Conway and meet me with the check pilot from the local FAA office. I would fly it with the FAA check pilot for a short quick hop to show proficiency on check lists and water landings. It shouldn't take too long. I'll buy gas and dinner in appreciation for the help.<br /><br />This check ride must be made no later than 30/45 days from now. If any one can accomadate me on this, please call me at home, 407-855-6736 or cell 321-947-9167 and we will discuss the times and date to coordinate with the FAA and also the procedures for entry into the Class B airspace over South Lake Conway. Thanks.<br /><br />PS: Kerry says that now that I've had mine, I am the safest seaplane pilot around. I have over 340 water landings and about 160 hrs. in the Searey since 17 April 2007.     
Bruno Grondin - Nov 23,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Swede, I would have done it but my Rey is in the garage without his arms (wings) and the lake is not frozen yet and you are a little too far.<br />But this is the kind of things I like to do for, not gas, or dinner, but more to give a hand.<br /><br />Best<br />Bruno     
Don Maxwell - Nov 23,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Bummer, Swede. Are you sure the FAA can't be persuaded to relax a bit? Maybe if you pointed out that SeaReys, being Experimental, can't be rented they'd at least extend the time limit so that you could take the checkride in your own airplane.     
Swede Rundquist - Nov 24,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    When I told them you can't rent them, that's when they gave me 30/45 days grace to find one to borrow. I am, however, working eight hours a day to try and get mine back in the air ASAP. I've been making pretty good progress. Would be a lot better if I knew what I was doing instead of having to feel my way along.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 24,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    If it's just checklists, maybe they'd be willing to accept a simulator flight. There's a SeaRey for the Microsoft Flight Simulator.     
Swede Rundquist - Nov 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    They want to observe my water landing procedures as well as the checklist usage.     
Joe Becker - Nov 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Don...did you say there was a Searey in the Microsoft flight simulator data base? If so, have you flown it? I would be very interested in the details.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Joe, Russ Gerner posted it in the File Cabinet on this site. Search there for 'Flight Sim SeaRey'--or just click this link: <a href="http://www.myfamily.com/exec?c=Content&htx=View&siteid=CnhLAQ&contentid=ZZZZZVUL&contentclass=FILE">http://www.myfamily.com/exec?c=Content&htx=View&siteid=CnhLA<br>Q&contentid=ZZZZZVUL&contentclass=FILE</a><br /><br />I've flown it on Russ's computer. Great fun. I crashed on most land landings, did fine on the water landings, and did slow rolls to the left and to the right. Did a few loops, too.     
Dave Martin - Nov 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Would going through Jack Browns weekend school satisfy the FAA?<br />I believe they have an examiner they work with at the completion of the class.<br /><br />It might be fun too...     
P.C. Russell - Nov 27,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I went to Brown's school and it was the best $1,000.oo I've spent. A lot of fun and good habits.     
Eric Batterman - Nov 27,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I suspect Brown's won't work for the FAA since they fly straight floats (unless you use their Twin Bee)     
Dan Nickens - Nov 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey, Swede, I know you specified a SeaRey with a 912, but why wouldn't a 912S or 914 work for the FAA? If you absolutely, positively have to have a 912 you might check with Jim Walsh. I think he keeps his down in the Lake Conway area.     
Mike Dupont - Nov 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    What is the consequence if you cannot complete the 409 ride in their time frame? What FAA Office are you dealing with??     
Swede Rundquist - Dec 01,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I now think any Searey will surfice. If I don't get the flight check in in their time frame, they will start license suspension proceedings. When I get the use of a Searey, I will notify Tampa and they will schedule me with an Orlando FAA check pilot. I think it would be best to fly out of Executive, make a couple of splash &amp; dashes say in Lake Butler and then back to Executive. We'll see.     

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