Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 119,Flying Fun, 22,GAGGLES, 139,Garner''s Landing, 47,Splash-In, 254,Sun "N" Fun

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Don Maxwell - Mar 28,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    *<P><B>Calling all Mid-Atlantic SeaReys--and all Northeast SeaReys and all Midwest SeaReys and all Eastern Canada SeaReys and all <I>other </I>SeaReys.</B><P><BR>Join up with Jeff Arnold, Dennis Scearce, and Don Maxwell and fly on with us to Garner's Landing and Sun-n-Fun. Help turn the sky SeaRey dark!<P><img src="inline/10132-neg_1202_Navy_PK_1_Seaplanes_from_Ford_Island_1933_h.jpg" alt="neg_1202_Navy_PK-1_Seaplanes_from_Ford_Island_1933-h"><P>Here's the Basic Plan:<P>+ Thursday (3 April) meet at Lake Wateree in SC (overnight accommodations on the lake and a marina with 93 octane mogas).<P>+ Friday (4 April) fly to the coast at Savannah and head toward Florida. <P>+ Saturday (5 April) arrive at Garner's Landing (Sun-n-Fun, Fantasy of Flight, KGIF).<P>Between Savannah and Garner's--well, we're allowing plenty of time for possible bad weather and certain good fun on the way. <P>Anyone wishing to join up with us is welcome! Anyone wishing to have a flock of SeaReys drop in--let us know where to alight and we'll be there to delight.<P><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

neg 1202 Navy PK 1 Seaplanes from Ford Island 1933 h.jpg
neg 1202 Navy PK 1 Seaplanes from Ford Island 1933 h

Kenneth Leonard - Mar 28,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Although Tampa is a bit out of the way, anyone wanting to see the stunning gulf is welcome to visit here between Saturday and Wed that week. (April 5-9) I'll be at Garners and one day at SNF between M-W so let me know if you want to visit.     
Don Maxwell - Mar 30,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Ken. One or more of us might take you up on that.     
Philip Mendelson - Mar 30,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, and Gang , the Lake Jesup gang and Lake Brantly boys will be flying over on<br />Sunday morning. We will be on Gator Frequency 123.375. See Ya There!!     
Rick Oreair - Mar 31,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, I'll be at the GCS base 129.025. Let me know if you guys need a rest stop, and I'll notify the spooks. We'll be at GCS all day Saturday.<br /><br />     
Don Maxwell - Mar 31,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Rick, is that the same field I landed at before?     
Jon Ladd - Apr 01,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    It is Don. Green Cove Springs. Don't go snooping around the large hangar!     
Don Maxwell - Apr 01,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Right! I made a wrong turn there once and all of a sudden a bunch of serious-looking guys came out to welcome me. Turned right around and hightailed it for Rick's hangar. Thanks, Jon. (But I've often wondered what they would have done if I hadn't turned around.)     
Jon Ladd - Apr 02,2008   Viewers  | Reply
Don Maxwell - Apr 03,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I heard that waterboarding is going to be a new Olympic sport for the Beijing games.     
Dennis Scearce - Apr 01,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    What's the airport identifier?     
Don Maxwell - Apr 01,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    He may not want to say, Dennis, but I have it and the coordinates.     
Dennis Scearce - Apr 01,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    OK. I'll be sure to have my radar jaming devices operating when we get close.     
Rick Oreair - Apr 02,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    FL60 is the identifier. They are really nice fella's as long as I let them know when 'guests' will be arriving. By the way Don, I was kicked out of my other hangar by the management of the park because some company was willing to pay rent. I have since built a new hangar in Peagasus front yard. It is literally in front of their hangar. We are still friends though. Call me if you'll need fuel, and we'll have it there.<br />     
Don Maxwell - Apr 03,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Rick. <br /><br />Unfortunately, it looks like the sky is doing its own darkening without the help of Mid-Atlantic SeaReys. I can't get to the rendezvous point in South Carolina today because of the weather, and tomorrow and Saturday it looks like 30-50 knot headwinds aloft, even at SeaRey altitude. Jeff's wife's godmother died yesterday, but he and Dennis might still try to brave the wind on Saturday and Sunday. It's 200 miles farther for me and I don't want to miss Garner's, so I'm getting the car ready today. (And muttering imprecations and oaths.)     
Don Maxwell - Apr 03,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey, Rick, Google Earth still shows your old hangar, with what is probably your truck parked in front of it. Microsoft's 'Virtual Earth' (which Eric Batterman recently introduced me to (and which I despise for all the usual anti-Empire reasons)) shows it in the Aerial view and in the Birds-eye view of that location. But it appears also to show your new hangar in the Birds-eye view of the new location:<br />      Attachments:  


Rick Oreair - Apr 03,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, that scares the H*** out of me. Talk about big brother!     
Eric Batterman - Apr 03,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Me too. I wonder what resolution they really have.     
Charles Pickett - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Did you shave today?     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    My understanding is that the level of dust in the local atmosphere and the amount of heat waves coming off the ground are a LIMFAC (limiting factor) to the resolution.     
Rick Oreair - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Yeah, but you could see TT picking his nose from this shot. WOW     
Russ Garner - Apr 02,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Garner's Landing weather:<br /><a href="Http://www.baynews9.com/Home.html">Http://www.baynews9.com/Home.html</a><br /><br />Weather for Central Florida:<br />A little late day shower to cool things off is <br />on the menu for the whole Week. <br />Shower may develop in the late afternoon <br />usually after 6:pm.<br />It was just another beautiful spring morning<br />light winds, temps in the 80s and a few puffy <br />cumes popping, looks the same for the next<br />few weeks.     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    For folks on the way North the weekend of Apr 11-13, I'll be at Charleston AFB, SC. Anyone that can stop there (it's a public airport) please give me a call and I'll drive us downtown for a great meal or just a nice tour of a great town. (or a personal tour of a C-17) <br />Cell 813-416-7744.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken--you might just get a carful on the way home to Virginia. Carol and #1 Son Chris are driving south to Garner's and SNF with me, leaving in a few minutes. (Driving right past a perfectly good, gassed up SeaRey in a hangar to go to a SeaRey gathering. Where's the logic in that!)     
Rick Oreair - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Don,<br /> The WX here is another incredible day. Forcast is not good though. I'm watching it closely to determine our method of travel to Garners'     
Rick Oreair - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    BTW, I'm buying the beer, if you're driving I-95. Also available for you or anyone that needs a rest stop on the way to SNF/Garners is my 1 Bedroom 2 double bed mother in law apartment. Less than 5 miles off I-95.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Make that Dos Equis, Rick. But we (Carol, son Chris &amp; I) have stopped for the night in Walterboro, SC, and expect to arrive in Winter Haven tomorrow aft.     
Charles Pickett - Apr 05,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    We spent a week there one day     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I've got a mini-van so riders are welcome. I'll be in Ocala Thursday but can swing South to pick up folks early Fri am if needed to drive them as far as Charleston, SC.     
Russ Garner - Apr 04,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I want to let anyone headed to the Gathering this weekend we <br />will put you up if you get stuck because of weather.<br />Bring a sleeping bag and your overnite stuff.     

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