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Dennis Vogan - Sep 22,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Great News!!<br /><br />Those who have had the opportunity to enjoy the Silver Lake experience in Georgian Bay were undoubtedly disappointed to learn the resort has been sold. This place will be operated as a condo corp with each unit having an individual owner. The past couple of gatherings we’ve enjoyed up there have been quite a memorable experience (I still have engraved in my brain the image of Bob T sauntering across the front lawn with an electric kettle full of a great merlot because glass containers weren’t allowed on the beach!). <br /><br />This venue has been absolutely spectacular for SeaRey gatherings with the option of keeping your plane right on the beach or at the nearby airport. Parry Sound is a stone’s throw away for food, fuel and any beverage of preference one may desire.<br /><br />I’ve been communicating with one of the new owners and this has sparked a discussion among the all of the owners to give us the week again for next summer.<br /><br />Although reservations would need to be handled differently this time, this would give us the opportunity to do it again and for those who didn’t make it last year, a chance to enjoy the event in ’09. There have been several local SeaReys commissioned (and re-commissioned) in the last few weeks so the opportunity's there. <br /><br />While they have not changed the rates from the current levels, it may cost slightly more depending on how many people wind up in each cottage. In any case, you’ll know it’s still a bargain if you’ve had the pleasure to attend in the past.<br /><br />The new owners have looked at their bookings and so far they’ve been coming back with the same week we had this year: June 22 – 26 (departure 27th am). If anyone is interested in making a commitment for this time slot, let me know either here or back channel. We can firm up the bookings once we know what cottages will be made available. <br />     
Lee Coulman - Sep 22,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Dennis<br />I got an email from one owner offering Unit #5 at Silver Lake.<br /><br />Count me in....and Bob T?      Attachments:  

IMG 0518BobT RedTEA.jpg
IMG 0518BobT RedTEA

Kevin D'Angelo - Sep 23,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Dennis- any chance the cottages would be available in September for us guys that can't make the June time slot?     
Dennis Vogan - Sep 23,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Kevin, if they're willing to do it in June, I can't see why not September once the kids are back at school and the cottages will be pretty much empty between weekends. If September would be better for anyone intereasted, we can ask them for a week at that time. September would be better for me too.     
John Robert Dunlop - Sep 23,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Kevin, we can also contemplate going back to Midland just after Oshkosh..     
Dave Edward - Sep 24,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I like that option John.     
Kevin D'Angelo - Sep 24,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Any time outside of the end of June is good with me so when ever and where is good with me. Hey John I ran into Mike Lush at a fly-in this past weekend. He had gear problems with his Sea Bee- I guess we aren't the only ones with gear problems     
John Robert Dunlop - Sep 24,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Oh, I hope his gear problems were not a result of the wiring he is doing for the ACI Gear Alert...     
Kevin D'Angelo - Sep 25,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    No , but he was talking about the gear alert. You might give him a call as I don't think he realizes what is included with you system     
Dennis Vogan - Oct 07,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    At this point in time, I have commitments on 8 cottages so far. #3 &amp; 10 have not responded so far to me but Jane, my key contact, is of the understanding we can have them too if needed. Rates for the cottages next year have not changed from those for this year.<br /><br />This is for the week of June 22-26. Only this time is available because it's still low season and the place is not yet booked. Starting the following weekend, it's pretty much full until late fall.<br /><br />This time it will be slightly different in the booking arrangements. We will all reserve our own. If there are some wanting to share a larger cottage let it be known. But let me know if you are intending to book so I can communicate to Jane what cottages/how many will be required.<br /><br />It's an amazing place for a SeaRey gathering with lots of places to fly. Here's the website to have a look again:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.silverlakecottages.com/index.html">http://www.silverlakecottages.com/index.html</a>      Attachments:  

Silver Lake Cottages
Silver Lake Cottages


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