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Mark Alan MacKinnon - Oct 22,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    SPOT GPS Satellite Messenger, as heard on Ultraflight Radio:<br /><br />      Attachments:  

SPOT Satellite Messenger
SPOT Satellite Messenger


Ultraflight Radio - SPOT Messenger
Ultraflight Radio - SPOT Messenger

Kenneth Leonard - Oct 23,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Interesting article about the spot by Doug Ritter - survival specialist and runs 'equipped to survive' web site. <a href="http://www.equipped.org/blog/?p=82">http://www.equipped.org/blog/?p=82</a><br />His article isn't oriented to pilots so much but it's worth reading as he has a couple of valid points.     
Charles Pickett - Oct 23,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I have one the tracking is fun to play with, I hope I never need the 911 but I am glad it is there.     
Dave Forster - Nov 17,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    A friend of mine recently bought one and has been trying it out. I've been able to see some of his flights on the web page that shows his track. I say 'some' of his flights, because on one of them, it never activated (don't know why) and on another, his spouse accidentally turned it off. <br /><br />One of the big advantages of Spot is it's pseudo-real-time tracking of position, but this is also one of its disadvantages - you need to remember to activate it manually before you start your trip for it to be useful as a tracking device. Also, you need to pay an annual subscription. In addition, IIRC, its refresh rate is every 10 minutes. You can cover a lot of ground in 10 minutes in an airplane.<br /><br />I recently contacted the Spot manufacturer/distributor to ask them if they have any plans for a unit that could run off aircraft power supply and would activate in tracking mode whenever the aircraft electrics are turned on. They responded that they do not have plans for these features at the current time.<br /><br />In light of the above, I decided to buy an ACL PLB. No annual subscription and it sends a signal as soon as it is activated to an agency that is actively monitoring the frequency and is equipped to respond. <br /><br />If Spot ever provides the features I asked about, I'd probably be tempted to get one, but in the meantime, for me the PLB was the way to go.     
Tony Gugliuzza - Nov 17,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I am actually considering making my wife get me one of these for Christmas.<br /><br />Theres a $50 rebate on the unit now so its only 100 bucks, plus the 150 for the annual subscription.<br /><br />On side benefit will be for me when I am catching up with my logbook and forget where I went on a given day, it will be there.     

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