Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 39,* ITEMS FOR SALE *, 272,Bruno''s

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Bruno Grondin - Feb 10,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey guys I dont turn my coat like Kevin D. said hehehe <br /><br />Maybe I'll buy a share with my friend that has a Lake we will see...<br /><br />Anyway one thing for shure I will fly and will fly with an amphib so check in the air I'll might be over you...hahaha<br /><br />Here is the link for details.. If anyone knows anyone....<br /><br />ADRESSE DE L&#180;ANNONCE PAC #8364233<br /><a href="http://www.lespac.com/search/detail.php?a=8364233">http://www.lespac.com/search/detail.php?a=8364233</a><br />(cliquez sur l&#180;adresse ci-dessus ou copiez-la dans votre navigateur)<br /><br /><br />Hug<br />Bruno<br /><br />     
Dave Edward - Feb 11,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Are you really going to sell her Bruno ? Porquoi ?     
Bruno Grondin - Feb 11,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    It a him.... hehehe<br /><br />Well I have another opportunity, and I will fly even more with this other opportunity, a Lake or other, but sill it will be a seeplane 100% shure... And we will probably by the house that I said before on Lake des deux Montagnes.<br /><br />Bottom line its not sold yet and if I dont have a good price I for shure keep it and this post will be in the past time....<br /><br />Hug<br />Bruno     
Kenneth Leonard - Feb 12,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Bruno - I hope you have a long lake for the lake amphibian - we had a guy land a lake amphib here and he was brushing trees on the way out of this 2000 foot lake. Solo on a cool day. I would never bring one into a lake of less than 3000 feet. (1000 meter) 4000 feet would be better.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Feb 12,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Bruno,<br /><br />The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.     
Bruno Grondin - Feb 14,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark I know, here is my perception of this terme.... The grass of the neibour is greener because you see it at an angle usaually +- 15 deg not to be precise and when you cross the fence and take another look at it, its not as green that you though because you now see it at 90 deg down and now you see that their where sometime even more gray and brown dead grass stems as your side of the fence...hehehe (my experience of life) hehehe     
Don Maxwell - Feb 14,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Bruno, does that mean that tall persons are pessimists and short persons, optimists?     
Eric Batterman - Feb 14,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    No, tall people envy more distant neighbors. Or the opposite corollary: short people are happy with most of their lawn.     
Bruno Grondin - Feb 14,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Short or tall, !@#$ dont matter as long that he or she buys my plane......     
Joe Varner - Feb 18,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I have also considered buying a lake, however when you think about the 10 gal per hour of fuel that they burn and anuals that can cost from $3,000.00 to $10,000.00. It makes it hard for me to justify that kind of cost. Also most of the Lakes are 30 + years old unless you want to spend a fortune for one that is newer. Makes me a little nervous with my life depending on something that old.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Feb 18,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Age should not be a problem as long as they're well maintained, but you're right, they are definitely costly.     
Kenneth Leonard - Feb 18,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Bruno - if you are still serious about buying the lake amphib, you need to read a book called 'go to hull' by Steve Reep. He is a real expert on the plane and a factory pilot. I've got a copy if you want it, give me your mailing address and I'll send it to you but I want it back when you are done! It's got tons of very practical information on the whole Lake series of planes.     
Tony Gugliuzza - Feb 19,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Go to Hull is also available on the SPA memebers site for download as a .pdf.<br /><br />I have a copy of that if you want it also.     

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