Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Ross Vining - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    SeaReys friends there are two photos that go with this story, I will post them after this story, they are called SeaRey Point of <br />View 1 and 2.<br /><br />Do you talk to your SeaRey? I talk to mine all the time and she talks back to me. Here’s a conversation we had in March. <br />We had just landed at Alice Springs, having flown about 8,000 km from our starting point in Adelaide on a loop around the <br />western half of Australia (see map). <br />I parked my trusty SeaRey close to the Royal Flying Doctor Service which has a major base at Alice Springs.<br />Well VH-RRZ is no dope, she saw that too, and she said to me, “I want to see that aeroplane doctor.”<br />I explained that it was actually a doctor for people.<br />But she was not convinced. She said, “Well if it’s for people how come the sign is on an aeroplane hangar?”<br />She continued: “I have carried you all the way from Adelaide, around the Big Bight, over the south west corner, all the way up <br />the west coast, around the Kimberley, into the Top End, and now down the Centre.”<br />“I landed you in hundreds of watery places, on ocean beaches, in reefs, lagoons, crocodile infested estuaries, rivers, streams, <br />billabongs and flooded deserts. It’s probably the first time an aeroplane has landed at many of these places.”<br />“And not just water, I’ve landed you on dozens of outback strips, quite a few dried out lake beds as well as a few roads when <br />things got tricky”.<br />After this gush of conversation I thought she had finished, but, no, she was just warming up.<br />“I’ve flown you through cold and rain, we’ve dodged scary-looking storms &amp; great turbulence. I’ve flown you across ocean <br />passages where even the bravest planes run rough. And I’ve had to fly on days that were so hot even my fuel metering <br />system stopped working. And don’t get me started on the humidity,” she said.<br />“And what about that “so called landing” at Carnarvon. You ground looped me. That was not a nice thing to do to a little plane. <br />Yes, I know, it had been a long day, but you were not paying attention, And I could have suffered a nasty abrasion. You have <br />to remember that the flying day is not over until I am securely tied down for the night” she admonished.<br />“Now I want to see this aeroplane doctor, I want to be fully checked out, and I want to be pampered a little.”<br />And with that, she really threw a tantrum and refused to start or even steer on the ground.<br />“OK OK,” I said, “You’re right, let’s go see the aeroplane doctor.”<br />Firstly, we consulted that highly respected aeroplane physician Dr Rob Loneragan, who diagnosed cardiac problems, and <br />prescribed “new spark plugs”. He also gave us a referral to a good gastroenterologist.<br />New plugs were fitted, and gastroenterologist Dr Ross Vining did a thorough examination and clean of the gascolator and both <br />carburettor bowls.<br />Then we called in the orthopaedic surgeon to examine the stiff rear ankle. The diagnosis was “seized steering bearing due to <br />corrosion from salt water immersion”. Major surgery was needed. The bearing was disassembled, cleaned, greased and <br />reassembled.<br />Next, we consulted the dermatologist about several nasty skin blemishes. He said that some of the cuts and abrasions would <br />require major surgery at a big aeroplane hospital in Adelaide, but these were not urgent, and he prescribed a poultice of gafa <br />tape to cover the blemishes until surgery could be performed.<br />Finally, as VH-RRZ had been complaining of feeling too cold we consulted an expert in thermoregulation. He prescribed a special <br />rug to go over the oil cooler (gaffa tape!).<br />With all this attention, Searey told me she was feeling much better and felt fit for another adventure. <br />And off we went- to the very centre of Australia.<br />Ross Vining     
Dave Edward - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great post Ross,,,,,give us more !     
John Robert Dunlop - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Now that was really nice Ross!     
Dave Lima - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    And I hope you have some pictures to go with this story Ross.     
Don Maxwell - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    It's a grand story, and he has posted photos--but not nearly enough of 'em!     
Dan Nickens - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Good on you, Ross. She's deserving of a bit of pampering. Congratulations to the both of you for a fine flying exhibition.     
Frank A. Carr - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Ross, A delightful story Ross, and I loved it even more since I was at Alice Springs and the Royal Flying Doctor Service three years back.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Kenneth Leonard - May 12,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great stuff! More! more!     
Jack Peters - May 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Great story from one of our top OZ Searey pilots, his efforts on behalf of the Australian Searey group have been outstanding.<br />He has an amazing capacity for getting things done, pushing new boundary's, showing us all that we should be getting outthere &amp; doing our thing.<br />Well done mate.     
Jim Moline - May 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    What Jack said, plus, he single handedly turns out our SPA newsletter every month or so. I,m semi-retired and I cant find the time he does to fly aound Oz     

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