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 - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey guys, I'm considering the SeaRey and need to know if I will fit in the cockpit. I am 6 ft 5 in. Before I get too excited, I want to make sure it will work for me. Can someone tell me the distances for seat to pedals and seat to canopy? Also, am I the only tall guy out there?Thanks, Joe<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Don Maxwell - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Joe, I know of at least one 6' 5' SeaRey builder, so you probably won't have any trouble fitting in. That guy built his SeaRey with the canopy raised a bit at the back to give himself more clearance. That's easy to do when building and not too difficult to do later. If your height is mostly in the legs, you may not have to make any changes at all.<br /><br />If you're still going to Sebastian, Florida, why not just drive to the Progressive Aerodyne factory in Taveres? It's only about 90 car miles. <a href="http://www.searey.com/Contact_Us/index.html">http://www.searey.com/Contact_Us/index.html</a><br /><br />(Google Maps locates the address about a mile too far north, by the way. It's actually on Lake Idamere.)     
Lee Pfingston - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Have a fella at the PA factory, he is 6'8' tall, when standing next to my 5'4' wife he looks about 8'8'!!! he has flown numerous times in my aircraft. His knees are admittedly a little raised. My A/C is std in all regards, it is an LSX (seats rather than hammock) I am 6'1' most of me is above the belt, have a 32' inseam. I fit fine, in fact to get full rudder deflection, (low speed water taxing while being blown) I actually slide down and reach for the pedals full travel. I have a 6'5' Stepson who does not feel he will fit, I intend to get a picture of the 6'8' fella to fwd to him, and will be happy to post it here. This guy would be fine but for his legs, and if someone of his dimensions were owning/building, repositioning the pedals would be easy. Raising canopy also not difficult. was some talk at PA of raising all from here out, never seemed to materialize, probably because it has been kind of a non-issue. Cockpit width (LSX) is greater than a C-172. As Don says, take the 90 mile trip to PA, sit in mine or one of 3/4 others.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    joe, if youre close to the orlando area, stop by my hangar and ill let you sit in one...     
Dave Forster - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I might be the guy Don is talking about, but am only 6'4', with a 36' leg. The rudder pedals in my SeaRey have also been extended, with the result that they are almost too far forward. Legroom is no problem and the canopy height can be modified as Don mentioned.     
 - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Great guys, thanks. One less issue. I will be in Sebring, so we'll check it out. I am 6'-5' with 36' inseam. So it sounds OK.<br /><br />Daniel, do you have Dave's Canadian SeaRey? If so, I've been talking to him too.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes sir...     
Kenneth Leonard - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    THAT'S why we've got this cold friggin weather! Hurry up and sell that thing back to a Canadian!     
Dave Lima - Jan 12,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ha, you should be up here to really feel the pain of winter!     
 - Jan 13,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Time to see it. We are in Georgia now, heading to Sebastian Florida for the winter. Can't wait. Funny, we left Virginia, saw no snow until we hit NC, then most of the cars with NC or SC plates had snow, not NY, PA, NJ. go figure, global warming at it's best.<br /><br />Can you get me an address so we can figure out how and when to get up there.     
Don Maxwell - Jan 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Check this link, Joe: <a href="http://www.searey.com/Contact_Us/index.html">http://www.searey.com/Contact_Us/index.html</a>     
Dick Huffer - Jan 15,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    My name is Dick Huffer 352-266-4526, Sales Dept at PA in Tavares, let me know when you can be at the factory, we will put you in a Searey for a ride, show you how it works to make the plane fit you.....//// Look Forward to seeing you at PA Headqarters anytime...../. Dick     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jan 15,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Joe, the plane is currently at sanford airport. 'spinner lane, sanford fl'. stop by any time     

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