Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Bob Langkawel - May 13,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I just sold my 12 foot open utility trailer and plan on purchasing a longer one. What length trailer would comfortably transport a SeaRey? Any suggestions or recommendations?     
Donald L White - May 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Bob, I have my 24' enclosed trailer for sale, if you are interested.<br /><br /><a href="http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/rvs/2326420916.html">http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/rvs/2326420916.html</a>     
Russ Garner - May 15,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    It was cheaper for me to have a inclosed trailer built for the Searey than to try to buy one that would work.<br />If you take the rudder off you need a 21 foot long and you need to check the height for the opening at least 7' depending on what you have for a prop and if you want to remove it. It should have a drop down door at the back for a loading ramp.<br />They built my trailer pretty light with sheet aluminum outside plywood siding inside but it was still plenty strong. To be legal in most states the trailer can be no wider than 102' or 8'6'. The Searey is right 7 foot wide. The most convent inclosed trailer will be at least 7'6' wide inside so you can roll the plane in with the wheels on. The horizontal can come off and be stood under the hull. The wings can be hung on two cargo straps from the steel cross supports for the roof of the trailer one wing on each side of the inside of the trailer. You'll need a side door in the front of the trailer on the right side is best. You can install a wench inside the front of the trailer so you can pull the plane up the ramp. It best to pull on gear legs down by the wheels, I installed and eye bolt on my gear legs because I had to pull the plane up a boat ramp for sometime after we got the new house built in FL. You can tie to the bow hook also to help as a guide. I had this tandem axle trailer build for $3500 in 1998 it may be a little more now but when I was done moving out from CA to FL I sold it for $3000.     
Bob Langkawel - May 15,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for your input.     
Walt Bates - May 17,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I tow my SR between FL and WI every spring and fall. I bought a 16' open trailer with a 5' drop down aft ramp like the lawn care guys use. For the trip I extend the ramp horizontally to create a styrofoam bed for the wings. The fuselage goes above the wings with the tail pieces strapped down above the wings. While cruising up I24 one day a 'convoy' of 18 wheelers passed me. I quickly tuned my CB to their channel 19 and heard, 'Did you guys see that back there. That guy tried to land that airplane on that trailer and it fell all to pieces!'.     
Philip Mendelson - May 17,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Any Pics......     

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