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Don Maxwell - Apr 29,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's a brief experimental video of flying around some islands in the James River yesterday, with glowering clouds, occasional light rain, and some wind making me just slightly nervous: <a href="http://youtu.be/1N4E2RqSC3Q">http://youtu.be/1N4E2RqSC3Q</a>     
Steve Young - Apr 29,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Don,Having posted hundreds of "Third Party copy write protected" music on my videos on YouTube, the trick or answer is= When your upload is complete, under the video it will say in Blue, "Third Party material-or Copy write material". Simply click on that and it will take you to a page where you can simply "CONFIRM-Acknoledge" or deny / Contest. Click on confirm and your good to go. see the example link.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

Copy Write Example
Copy Write Example

Don Maxwell - Apr 30,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Steve. You've given me the heart to upload it again (the original 1080p version) and click on 'Acknowledge.' I had done that the first time, but then got spooked because YouTube complained about several others of my videos, one of which I had to 'Dispute.'<br /><br />I love your example, by the way! It's a great hand-propping tutorial, and just great Cub flying all around.     
Dennis Scearce - Apr 30,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Won't play on my iPad     
Don Maxwell - Apr 30,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Sorry. It plays on my iPhone; I just checked. The URL is case-sensitive, which may suggest something about YouTube's server OS--probably not running Windwoes-anything. Maybe LINUX.     
Dennis Scearce - May 12,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    It played on my droid phone. Your engine <br />has a serious knock!     
Don Maxwell - May 12,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I wondered about that, Dennis, but finally decided it was bugs bouncing off the fabric.     
Steve Young - Apr 30,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    When there is copy write or protected music, YouTube will not allow it to play on iPad or iPhone . It plays fine on a PC or MAC or Linux computer. This is normal. There are a few APPS that are You Tube players, which play All videos regardless.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Bård Sørbye - May 01,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Plays fine on the iPad with the 'Jasmine' App. Copy the URL and paste it in Jasmines Search field.<br />Fun flying in gloomy weather!     
Russ Garner - May 12,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I don't know if you guys know about this already but here's a link to a website that lets you copy or rip music from YouTube videos and use them in your videos.      Attachments:  

Listen to Youtube
Listen to Youtube

Don Maxwell - May 12,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Russ. I didn't know about that one. But I often use the DownloadHelper Firefox extension to save entire YouTube videos.     

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