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Don Maxwell - Aug 15,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    It was a nice day. I tuned in an AWOS and just then an off-black, unmarked military helo--a Blackhawk?--crossed my path. Luckily it was about 300 feet lower.<br /><br />This off-black helo has been skulking around a lot lately. I've seen it on the ground and heard it on the radio, but this was my first sight of it in the air. It wasn't much of a sight, but I'm just as happy I didn't get a better look      Attachments:  




Dan Nickens - Aug 17,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    So why would the FAA exempt Icon Aircraft from one of its most closely guarded rules limiting light aircraft weight? Safety? No, seriously, you don’t think the FAA is really worried about our safety, do you? Oh, right. It took a while to figure this out, but Don’s reported sighting of a skulking black helicopter confirmed my suspicions: it’s a government plot to take away our SeaReys.<br /><br />You may not have paid much attention to the Congressional debate last year about putting black boxes in cars. Some bureaucrat got the bright idea that we would all be safer if the government had access to our vehicular information 'in the event of an accident.' But, citing privacy concerns, the House refused to accept a Senate provision in highway legislation mandating installation of black boxes.<br /><br />Would that end the debate? Yeah, right. Not. Oh, yeah? DOT Secretary Ray LaHood decided to bypass Congress by executive fiat. A rule was adopted to require installation of black boxes in all cars and light trucks beginning in 2014.<br /><br />Horace Cooper of the National Center for Public Policy Analysis called the move “an unprecedented breach of privacy for Americans.” He went on to say, “EDRs (Event Data Recorders) not only provide details necessary for accident investigation, they can also track travel records, passenger usage, cell phone use and other private data -- who you visit, what you weigh, how often you call your mother and more is captured by these devices.” <br /><br />Aha! They are going to track what I weigh! No weigh (please)! (Can’t you just see Horace in his cubicle pondering how often he calls his mom?)<br /><br />What has that got to do with Icon? You may recall Icon proposed to the FAA that they would install black boxes in all their airplanes. No doubt that was for their customer’s own safety, right?<br /><br />Right. But, could it be a ruse to induce the FAA to approve their weight increase? The FAA could then be in lock step (not goose step…oh, no, don’t go there) with their bosses at DOT without even bothering to make a new rule. (250 pounds? How much do those black boxes weigh, any way?)<br /><br />Imagine a future proposed rule: all aircraft must have black boxes! “What’s the problem?” they will say. “Icon already has them.”<br /><br />Can you see it coming? There will be a future day when everyone will have black boxes that monitor, drive and fly us around. No doubt it will be safer for the government. And, it’s for our own good. We won’t be subjecting ourselves to the risks of flying around willy nilly in silly little SeaReys.<br /><br />Come now, let’s all sing along….<br /><br />Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell<br /><br />'I'm just an average guy with an average life<br />I work from nine to five, hey hell I pay the price<br />All I want is to be left alone in my average home<br />But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone<br /><br />I always feel that somebody's watchin' me<br />And I have no privacy<br />I always feel that somebody's watchin' me<br />Is it just a dream?<br /><br />When I come home at night<br />I bolt the door real tight<br />People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid<br />Well, can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid<br /><br />When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair<br />I might open my eyes and find someone standing there<br />People say I'm crazy, just a little touched<br />But maybe showers remind me of Psycho too much<br />That's why...<br /><br />I always feel like somebody's watching me<br />Who's playing tricks on me<br />I always feel like somebody's watching me<br />Tell me it can't be<br /><br />I don't know anymore<br />Are the neighbors watching me<br />Well is the mailman watching me<br />And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess<br />I wonder who's watching me now?<br />Who?<br />The IRS?<br /><br />I always feel like somebody's watching me<br />Who's playing tricks on me<br />I always feel like somebody's watching me<br />I can't enjoy my tea!'<br /><br />Who's paranoid now?     
Robert Charlwood Richardson - Aug 17,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Two words on this 'Big Brother' concern, regarding SeaReys<br />1) we're experienmental, so we decide what or does not go into our aircraft.<br />2) we always have plyers! FAA may mandate a black box, but like all electronic boxes, they can and do <br />fail whether from natural or man made causes. <br />Until the FAA outlaws amueter built,, experimental, then our aerial libertarian aerial freedom lives on.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 18,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    You guys are cynical. Not me. <br /><br />As I understand it, our safety is not part of the FAA's responsibility. Instead, its main job is to protect the public from us, as the FAA describes at <a href="http://www.faa.gov/about/safety_efficiency/">http://www.faa.gov/about/safety_efficiency/</a><br /><br /><br />'FAA's major roles and responsibilities<br />'<br />'Under the broad umbrella of safety and efficiency, we have several major roles:<br />'<br />' Regulating civil aviation to promote safety<br />' Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology<br />' Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft<br />' Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics<br />' Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation<br />' Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation<br />'<br />'What We Do<br />'Our 44,000 employees throughout the United States participate in a wide variety of activities:<br />'Safety Regulation. We issue and enforce regulations and minimum standards covering manufacturing, operating, and maintaining aircraft. <br />'We certify airmen and airports that serve air carriers....'<br />     

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