Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 458,Airstrip Dimensions, 477,Searey Fun

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Don Maxwell - Apr 07,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    A SeaRey isn't really STOL--but I'm always amused by how little distance it needs to land and take off. (And the contrary is that I get really antsy now during takeoffs in most other airplanes.)<br /><br />And it reminds me of the mental illusion of how tiny a runway can look from the air when you're thinking of landing on it for the first time--and how long it seems when you've actually landed. <br /><br />I was reminded of all this just yesterday, when I decided to land for the first time at a brand new, nearby grass field. It's nearly 2000 feet long, with a clear approach from one end, but of course it didn't look nearly that long from the air. It's surrounded by forest, and there are tall trees standing straight up at the other end. Yesterday, the wind was coming straight from the tree end, and all sorts of dire thoughts crossed my mind: principally that there would be rotors coming off those trees to smack me down on a go-around, and beyond the down-air would be dead air that would cut my airspeed if I got that far.<br /><br />Well, rationally I knew that the SeaRey needs only a few hundred feet for a landing. No problem! Still... <br /><br />Okay, so it was a non-event of course. Here's a brief video. You might just be able to pick out the pale yellow bulldozer that is broken down right on the runway centerline, a few yards before the threshold. It made a nice LVR for a SeaRey pilot.<br /><br />If you're curious about the location, search for 37.338612, -77.197689 in Google Maps or G.Earth. You can see the runway in the satellite view.<br /><br />A brief video is at: https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2lUdQOV33Y&feature=youtu.be">www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2lUdQOV33Y&feature=youtu.be</a>     
Dave Lima - Apr 07,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Very nice Professor. A true master at work!     
Don Maxwell - Apr 07,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Kind of you, Dave--but it was mostly the SeaRey's doing. I was nervous about the wind and wasted the first 500 or 600 feet of grass. After that, if the power had been off, the SeaRey would have stopped on its own in about 250 feet. Lovely airplane!<br /><br />On the takeoff I was in no particular hurry. Brakes off. The throttle starts opening at second 2 and is wide open by 4. The tail comes up (late) at 6, and by 8 or 9 it's flying. The total roll was something like 350 feet, I think. I don't like climbing at Vx when it's not necessary, especially in a pusher, so I kept the ascent fairly flat and accelerated to 75 mph well before reaching the trees.      Attachments:  




Bruce McGregor - Apr 08,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    During Phase I testing I loaded my 912ULS LSX to 1430 lb. with sandbags. On a grass runway, 80F and no wind I took off in 500', actual measurement. Landing required 450' with moderate braking.<P>I am always amazed how much non-linear effect weight has on a SeaRey. At 1200 lb. the airplane leaps into the air, perhaps taking only 300' of runway.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Philip Mendelson - Apr 08,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Very nice work!     
Wayne Nagy - Apr 08,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the Youtube thrill, Don. I love the out of the way grass strips! The SeaRey has <br />many talents...combined with your expert pilotage! :-)     
Robert Charlwood Richardson - Apr 15,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    I see it is just across the water fromthe Taj. Excellent. My airfield (W49) sits down in a forest and I find <br />that the trees provide excellent shelter from strong crosswind, though I do have to maintain extra speed <br />to fly thru the turbulence descending below the tree tops.     

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