Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Favorite option: If you want this item to be marked as a favorite, click on the black heart.   New SeaRey Project for sale  
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 11,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    For sale is a project that has been built by Angel Rivera at the factory. Kit 1MK-166. The fuselage <br />is built and painted. Needs wings/horizontal stabilizers built, avionics, and engine installed. Engine <br />is a brand new 912s in the box, it has electric gear installed, C-hull, and has ALL LSX structural <br />upgrades. This plane is ramped up to be an LSX. Invest another 10k and you will have a new <br />LSX. Asking price is $50,000. <br /><br />Please contact me if you have any questions. Angel and I are both available to answer any <br />questions. <br /><br />407 920 7700<br /><br />h20maule@hotmail.com      Attachments:  





Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    pics have been added     
Kenneth Leonard - Jul 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    The 'all LSX structure upgrades' comment is factually incorrect. This has the classic elevator trim connection which is a structural upgrade on the LSX. (I'm told you couldn't get this or a cub certified today because of this connection) I'm not commenting on the quality of the work, but it's a classic with LSX upgrades, not an LSX. The classic trim also precludes the larger horizontal stab and the newer H-stab support cable attachment points. I presume the rear h-stab cable is also original - where the LSX has a heavier cable at the back. Probably safer to list the parts that have had LSX upgrade.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken, the trim is converted very easily. The buyer will have to purchase new horizontals. The vertical <br />Stab is triple sleeved. The boom is reinforced, the vertical<br />Stab has the straps ect ect. I'm not hiding the fact that it is a classic<br />Kit 'ramped up to be an lsx'. So, it is not factually incorrect to say that. It is the truth and is what Angel <br />and the owner told me to say in the ad.     
Kenneth Leonard - Jul 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I understand, however, with the classic elevator trim, you can't have the larger, LSX, horizontal stab - because the support wires won't let it pivot, so how can it be said to have all LSX structural upgrades? A larger stab is certainly a structural change. I'm simply saying that when the claim is made that all LSX structural changes have been done, that encompasses a huge range of items, some of which have not been done on that plane.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 14,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    You're right, ken. I should advertise that the buyer will need to purchase the stabs and wing upgrades <br />(bottom ribs, trusses, etc.)     

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