Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Christian Island
Working Hard Repost
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2004
Description: Most of the lagoon, with Rolf taxiing in the bay. (Blurry pic--sorry!)
Date Taken: Aug 16, 2004
Place Taken: Oshkosh
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: OSH_SPB_Lagoon_Rolf_0018_25pc.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Ed Irizarry - Aug 16,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the Pic's. Don. Good sight. Next year I might be doing the same with 228Z.     
Jeff Arnold - Aug 16,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, thanks for the excellent pictures. The next best thing to being there.......a distant 'next', however.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 17,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    I've only been there the one time, Buck, but it seemed an excellent place, especially considering the large number of seaplanes it handles. The bay was quite calm the five days I was there, ideal for landing and taking off. The lagoon is large enough to hold hundreds of seaplanes. The docks are adequate for transfer of baggage and persons. The 100LL fuel pump worked just fine. The campground was pleasant and the portable toilets and showers worked well enough. (That it lacks electricity is a plus in my mind--because it's more like <I>camping</I> this way.) There's a food concession in the base proper and also a weather shack with computers for weather. And the volunteers who run the place did an excellent job.<P>The only thing I wished for were a way to recharge the electrical gizmos I carried. A ramp to taxi the SeaRey onto the shore would have been nice, but wasn't necessary.<P>If I go next year, I'll take along a battery pack from which to charge the cell phone and the Palm pilot, which I can use together for email.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
John Robert Dunlop - Aug 17,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    I agree with Don, the site and volunteers were great!     
Robert Lee - Aug 20,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Silence is telling.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 21,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, "Silence is golden"--remember that? And "Loose lips sink ships'? The latter probably isn't relevant here, but it has amused me since I first heard it as a kid in WW II.<P>Now, about your opinion of the Vette seaplane base at Oshkosh: Shoot, it's your opinion, and that's the end of it. Some enjoy sleeping in a tent (or an RV) and some don't. There's no use debating differences like that because they're <I>feelings,</I> not reasons. <P>I'll say, however, that I got up really early the first morning to see if my SeaRey was still afloat. It was. (It never shipped a drop of water all week.)<P>As for Lake Parker--it's physically VERY different from the Vette, and its purpose for Sun-N-Fun is almost completely different, too. Lake Parker is a wet place where about 20 seaplanes at a time can be temporarily drawn up to a grassy bank if they successfully dodge the trees that someone has planted out in the water. It's not a place where most people would want to stay for several days and nights. The key word here is "temporarily"--it's for day-trippers. <P>The Vette, on the other hand, is tranquil, shady, and has many amenities not available at Lake Parker. It's for people who have come to stay a while. Arrival and departure by air is easier and safer than at Parker--no need to talk with the OSH controllers--and if one doen't care to camp, one can rent a car or hire a taxi and drive to a five-star hotel.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Charlie Huskey - Aug 21,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    I think you guys will be amazed at the convience, accesability, and beautiful flying country at Harrison Bay next year. Make arrangements to attend, if anyone has ideas for functions at the fly-n please contact me or Bret.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 21,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    I did some camping in the army, Buck. It wasn't nearly as much fun as at the Vette.     

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