Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Androscoggin - 2 of 11
Androscoggin - 4 of 11
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2004
Description: “Hey Bret, we’re just passing Twitchell’s and looking for the island”, Steve had some worry in voice but I was more concerned with the fact that they were again, ahead of us!
“Hey, when did you pass us”?
“I don’t know, back a ways. We went over and looked at the (blah blah blah) and then headed over. Why, where are you?”
Urrrrrggggh! “We are still 5 miles from Twitchell’s. Let us know what you find.” It wasn’t long before they found the island and it was the same one I had seen. And man, it was even better than we had hoped for. There was nobody around, the island was about a quarter acre, and had a beachy sand bar at one end and a cozy pine tree camping mound on the rest. It was quite perfect and came complete with a picnic table and fieldstone fire pit. Why this place was not already occupied on Labor Day weekend is still a mystery to me but the whole river was surprisingly sparsely populated. As it turns out, this island and much of the surrounding property was owned by a paper company. They put up signs and welcomed campers and only asked that we “keep it clean.” Deal!

Steve and Robin talked us in over the radio as we made our first pass over the island. It was dreamy.

Date Taken: Sep 8, 2004
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File Name: P9040026.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 21, Bret
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Read what others had to say:

John Robert Dunlop - Sep 08,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    What a great outing Bret! Thanks for sharing!     

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