Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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High n Dry at CDK
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Dec 21, 2004
Description: 'Okay, where's the brake?'
Date Taken: Dec 21, 2004
Place Taken: Blackwater Hammock, FL
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: Tight_Turn.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 79, Splash In Food
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Read what others had to say:

Frank A. Carr - Dec 21,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Was the turn made or is the SeaRey in the covered boat slip?     
Bret Smith - Dec 21,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Have ya'll told Frank what Gator Nuggets are yet??? hehehe<br /><br />This manuever is not even Jon's best work. A couple of years ago I flew with Rick Oreair to meet a Catherders gaggle at a marina on the St John's river. Six arrived in perfect catherder formation; Dan as usual, their fearless leader. There was a one lane chute through the docks to get to the boat ramp. Fearless leader was, well... leading, and Jon was in a tight second. Fearless Leader proceded to collapse his gear on the boat ramp and I scurried for a good position on the dock to watch both Dan floundering around on the slimy part of the boat ramp, and the slow motion train wreck that was developing behind him. Jon killed his motor but still continued at a decent clip with nothing but stuff in every direction. The searey ducklings behind him aborted entering the chute and certain doom just in the nick of time. That was when Jon with obstructions bearing down, fired back up the 914 and just plain swapped ends with that SeaRey.... he spun that thing like a balleriner.<br /><br />'Dang did you see that???. How the heck did he do that???', I said to Rick who was down in the slime helping Dan.<br /><br />About that time, the ground crew cleared the debris from the boat ramp and Jon grinned and did it again.<br /><br />He must have one of them Frank Gracy AOA Indicators installed for such a precision manuver...     
Bret Smith - Dec 22,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, it looks like you ran up on the curb or something...     
Bret Smith - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    The cool water rudder does its job perfectly... it looks cool. I need a water rudder that can 180 my searey in is own footprint as much as I need a beta prop... none.<br /><br />I have 2 paddles and a good wife if a lapse in judgement puts me in a situation.<br /><br />Remember Streaker threading nicely through that canal back to airline Bills house? Then switching to 1 mag and kicking right (with the cool water rudder I guess...) nicely between 2 docks to get to his beach. The SeaRey performs as expected as is. There's little things I'd like to change but for me, the cool water rudder is not one of them. Its one of the best conversation pieces I have on the plane (2nd only to my truck driver air horn).     
Bret Smith - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    I think Jon had a water rudder installed when he did his infamous 180 at the marina on the St John's. I'm not saying the water rudder had anything to do with that but it was there... looking cool.     
Jon Ladd - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    No I didn't Bret. By the way you need to post your 2004 family Christmas card, It was brilliant!     
Bret Smith - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Damn, foiled again... I thought your water rudder survived all the way until your airboat beaching manuever down in gator country.<br /><br />...glad you liked our 'trailer park' card. Its a keeper.<br /><br />I'm curious, how did the 'tight turn' turn out? Was there an incident?     
Jon Ladd - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    No incident, but I chickened out and cut the engine on this one. Used the paddle and then completed the turn. I might of been able to power through except Jane was yelling about the pilings and Dan and Frank were saying something on the radio about the train wreck about to happen.     
Steve Gromak - Jan 05,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Aluminum and fabric in one piece, good job Jon!     

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