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Take-off run
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Aug 28, 2005
Description: The protection of the Cove is apparent.If Don Maxwell or John D had been here, we probably would have gone flying. I attempted one t/o but ran out of the calm area and hit some fairly big waves.The 'A' hull , once again, let me down...or maybe I just chickened out.
Date Taken: Aug 28, 2005
Place Taken: Turtle Cove
Owner: Dave Edward
File Name: Windy_Day_2.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 9, Turtle Cove
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Read what others had to say:

Don Maxwell - Aug 28,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    I've been thinking about your A hull situation, Dave. In this photo, for example, it appears that the wind is from the upper right. (East? Southeast?) If you began your takeoff run close to shore, kept your track along the curve of the cove until up on the step, and then turned into the wind, might you be just getting off the water by the time you reached the heavier waves? <br /><br />Landing might be a bit trickier, but I'd think that with the wind from offshore you could land pretty close in, curving along the shore on short final and while getting down off the step, and keep out of the worst of both waves and gusts.<br /><br />But no doubt you've already tried all that and have found that it wasn't quite so easy.     
Dave Edward - Aug 28,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Youv'e got it Don. I've tried six different ways to Sunday and in most cases, the curving departure....between my wind sock and the swim float, then out towards the white cottage has me doing the 'Nickens' flap 30* departure. I usually hit the big waves at about the time the hull is saying 'I think he wants to go flying.' Popping full flap gets you into ground/water effect, but what a ride for the next 10 seconds!! The curving arrival works almost all the time...it just scares the hell out of Lynn. When I got paid to do that kind of thing....OK.......now it is supposed to be fun....with no pay.     
Fred Glasbergen - Aug 28,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Looks a little hairy from the picture, I am with you Dave. I have to keep reminding myself all the time that I am now flying for recreation and don't have to land or take off in conditions that I would be expected too when I was getting paid to do that. Besides that I am the owner of the airplane now if things did not go the way they where supposed to it comes out of my pocket book.     
Dave Edward - Aug 29,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    What really 'ticks' me off is that both Don and John appeared to have very little porpoising in the swells which made me pitch like hell. Don taxiied out...into wind...in water I would not even consider. I had done a Cove 1 departure with a Windsock 2 transition and was orbitting o/head while he and Dave taxiied out. There was a lot of spray from his C hull and he was heavy with 2 on board, but the t/o looked just fine.<br />' Dear Santa...a carbon fibre hull with a working 912S please'<br /><br />     
Don Maxwell - Aug 29,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dave, the takeoff you cited was with the prop pitched so that I was getting only 5400 rpm at full throttle while coming up on the step. At 5800 rpm, it gets up a good bit sooner. I don't know about the spray, however. (Am trying to figure out some way of seeing it while flying the airplane. Maybe a sideview mirror...)<br /><br />You might check with Joe Friend to see how he likes the hull mod he worked out a few months ago. The last time I saw his SeaRey, it had what looked like a C step on an A or B hull.<br /><br />     
Robert Loneragan - Sep 02,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dave.....Christmas is on the way..... why don't you give yourself a Christmas presant and order a 'C' Hull.     
Dave Edward - Sep 02,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    That is what Lynn keeps saying....and John...and Don....The A-24 paper work has been approved and Larry Woods is hopeful that he will be able to bring it here for me to fly before Lynn and I set out for Mexico. I guess I'll just wait till I can compare our a/c then make a descision. As Dan would say...' sigh..'     

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