Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Dave King and Darrell's Sting
Dave King @ Elmhirst
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Sep 6, 2005
Description: You see lots of strange things from the air. Sometimes it's just the perspective that's strange, and other times--well, maybe you know immediately what THIS thing is. A driving range? A firing range? A-- a-- a what???
Date Taken: Sep 6, 2005
Place Taken: New Kent County, VA
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: WhatIsIt_0005.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 23, Max Pix
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Read what others had to say:

Dan Nickens - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    A mystery?     
Steve Gromak - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    This is a shootgun shooting area. They shoot clay pigeons at each of 5 stations, designated by the white strips and they launch the clays out of the white houses.     
Don Maxwell - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Aha! Thanks, Steve! I figured it had to be something like that, but couldn't get it.     
Charles Pickett - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Each field has 3 houses one in the middle is for Trap Shooting and troughs birds randomly out of the house between the first and last station going away from you, you never know where but you do call for the bird so you do know when. That is TRAP Shooting (my game) 5 shots per station 5 stations. A box of 12ga shells is 25. The long pads are for handicap shooting the better you get the further back you go.<br />The 2 out side houses are for skeet shooting and the bird is throne across in front of you and you know which house it will come from but I think the puller has a window of 3 maybe 5 seconds to pull the bird after it is called for. They also have some stations that are doubles (1 from each house)<br />Sheet shooters say trap is easier and trap shooters say skeet is the easy game. They are both tough sports but the money is good if you get up the ladder and fun. Lots of practice about 3 to 5 thousand birds a year. That is shooting every weekend for the gold and shooting 3 or 4 times a week for practice.<br />     
Frank A. Carr - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    They must hold the World Championships here with all the infrastructure.     
Charles Pickett - Sep 11,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    That is a small feild I will see if I can find a shot of the Grand     
Don Maxwell - Sep 06,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Son of a gun, Charlie! 3000-5000 shotgun rounds a year averages out to 8-14 <B>BANG</B>s a day, every single day. And some people think that <I>flying </I>is noisy.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Charles Pickett - Sep 11,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    2 - 3 nights a week 100 + - a night<br /><br />200 to 300 a day on the weekend shoots<br /><br />I do more flying now then shooting     
John Haines - Sep 09,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Virginia is strange. I lived there for two decades almost and, although I enjoyed it and found the people warm and hospitable, it is unique (i.e., it is still a felony to cohabitate with a woman without being married to her and, more surprisingly perhaps in this day and age, in some jurisdictions in the Commonwealth cases are still prosecuted). The flying is great, but there are a lot of military bases and restricted areas and one has to be especially cautious). But, as to your picture, I haven't a clue. Looks like a lot of land to be a firing range. I could be wrong. Dexter Coffin     
Don Maxwell - Sep 09,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dexter, if you'll give me your email address, I'll have Splash &amp; dash send you an invitation, so you can log in as yourself. (No need to come to strange Virginia for that.) You can post it here or email it to me.     

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