Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Killarney Mountain Lodge
Grottos & Rocks
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Sep 24, 2005
Description: Dan returns home after an epic journey. Dan returned into Central Florida this day leaving us to believe his great adventure has come to an end. I am sure Dan would not agree with this statement and stress the adventure will continue, it has only been suspended.

I was lucky enough to be aloft when he was passing through the Ocala area and was successful in hailing the guru of Searey dreams. In true Nickens fashion, he agreed to deviate to the grass strip at Greystone airport and joined us for ice tea in the BS room. The aviators at Greystone were astonished by his 23,000 mile passage. One of them had to ask him three times, if he completed the journey in the plane he just flew in. He thought for sure an adventure of that scale required a bigger and faster plane. Dan just kept quietly assuring him, no ….it was that one right there.”

OK Dan you and Ann get started on that book! You can use this shot on the back cover where you write all the cool stuff about the author.

Date Taken: Sep 24, 2005
Place Taken: Greystone
Owner: Robert Lee
File Name: Nickens_Returns_EM.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 16, N220WT, 200, N56RL
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Read what others had to say:

Dave Edward - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Welcome Home Dan &amp; Ann,<br />Can't wait to see what you produce and I'll put the order in right now for a signed copy.     
John Robert Dunlop - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Great to have you back Dan. But then, your really didn't leave did you?<br />What a grand story!     
Roberta Hegy - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
Dan Nickens - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you, Robert, for the introduction to the grass strip guys at Greystone. I had avoided the airport thinking it was all snobbery and jet fuel. Who knew that in Travolta's backyard were some real guys who just love flying?     
Dave Lima - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    congrats dan, what a great personal accomplishment, and lets give some credit to that great little airplane as well.     
Dan Nickens - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    The great little airplane is absolutely the best for the task I undertook, Dave, that being: 'Go Forth and Have Great Fun under the Midnight Sun!' If there's a better summer vacation I haven't found it in the first 50 years.     
P.C. Russell - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Folks;<br /> It wasn't Dan or the airplane that made the trip successfull, IT WAS ANN!! She's got a lot of guts and love for Dan that made it work. P.C. Russell<br /><br />PS Add my name for a book.     
Dan Nickens - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    During the entire trip when any pilot learned that Ann was DRIVING solo across the continent the focus shifted immediately to that undertaking. In fact, when Fred shot the video for the “Wings Across Canada” his ending shot was of Ann in the RV trundling down a rugged logging road as it left his cabin!     
Steve Gromak - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    I bet that other little hairy guy that accompanied you and Ann must have some pretty tall tale's to tell also. If he knew how to write. Glad you folks made it back safe and sound.     
Robert Lee - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan,<br /><br />I am just sorry I was not able to continue on south and enjoy a couple splash and dashes. On most any given day there is plenty of experience in the BS room. I have learned a lot from these guys and you certainly fit right in.     
Don Maxwell - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    23,000 miles? Dan! That's almost all the way around!     
Rick Oreair - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Welcome Back Master. We await further instruction! <br /><br />Cricket     
Dan Nickens - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Ah so, Master Cricket, but it is I who owe you an exhaust and as soon as I track down Dim Wit you'll have it.     
Dirck Hecking - Sep 24,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan and Ann, I am absolutely thrilled by your adventure... and willingness to share your feelings with us. I am looking forward to meeting you.<br /><br />HappyLandings...<br /><br />Dirck Hecking     
Bruce Bennett - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Welcome back weary Alaskan Travelers. Thank you for all of your beautiful pictures showing the exquisite beauty of all points North, your fine 'tales' and all the information you sent us on your month by month flitterings.<br /><br /> Bruce &amp; Judy     
Charles Pickett - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan &gt;&gt;&gt; I’ll bet they all think that people were put on the moon too.<br /><br />Congratulations what a great trip and thanks for the great commentary I am looking forward to a book<br /><br />     
Bård Sørbye - Sep 25,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan, I salute you and Ann both - your long and adventure-packed journey to the north sets a standard for all other SeaRey adventurers to aspire to live up to. We will have to measure our adventures in hundredths of yours!<br />Thanks for all the inspirational accounts and pictures.     
Ross Vining - Sep 26,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan<br />Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I am still building but am nearing completion. Your pictures and <br />stories have been a constatn inspiration to get it finished and get out flying. I have set up a series of your <br />pictures as a rotating desk top on my computer as a constatn reminder of how beautiful SeaRey fyling can <br />be.<br />best regards<br />Ross Vining     
Fred Glasbergen - Sep 28,2005   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan and Ann it was great having you staying and flying with us. Now that you have this cross country flying in your blood I hear your stay in Florida is probably an extented layover. When you get up to this part of the country again there are many more neat places we can go to. Bev is already to keep Ann company with the ground support. Should have more time off as I am practising this retirement more often.<br />     

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