Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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On the Lower James River
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Apr 7, 2007
Description: You can fly past, yourself. Just get a Washington sectional and follow the 0 degree radial arrow from KECG. You can't miss it.

Maybe you can figure out from these photos (which I took from a safe distance) what might be going on there and how the tax bucks are being used.

(I'll be back later with the seaplane delights part of that trip.)

In the meantime, if you want to locate Blackwater, try this link: http://skyvector.com/#20-23-3-2397-3142
Date Taken: Apr 7, 2007
Place Taken: NE NC
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: Blackwater_2829_6_35pc.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Dave Edward - Apr 07,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Neat place Don. I see a duplicate of Stonehenge....a copy of Kermit Weeks fantasy facility....a beautiful Go-Cart track and your orange key holder. The r/w looks plenty long enough for all of us and the water aerodromes are magnificent. Looked it up on Google....what a set up!!     
Robert Lee - Apr 07,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Don,<br /><br />Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I follow advice by a few smart medical minds that say dont watch the news to reduce stress in your life. Thus, I had never even heard of Black Water. Now, of course my stress levels are going up because you have shown me something with a very bad oder and I can not do anything about it. I sure would like to know where Prince got the money to buy that 6000 acres! Reading about news like this makes me believe we are on the fast track to becoming a third world country.<br /><br />Security for Sale<br />Sarah Swatosh March 23, 2007 <a href="http://www.opednews.com/">http://www.opednews.com</a><br /><br />(As requested, the text portion of the opinion piece has been deleted. The Admins.)<br /><br />     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 07,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Robert - ...and this has what to do with the Splash &amp; Dash site? ; )     
Eric Batterman - Apr 07,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken, think of this as a photo with history (from the Nickens stylebook).     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 08,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Yeah, except Dan's commentary doesn't make strong statements on politics or religion. This is a strong political statement and doesn't belong on this website. No matter how important it is or even how accurate.     
Don Maxwell - Apr 08,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Ah, well, Ken, I'd call it background info on a photo of an airfield taken from a SeaRey. Maybe it explains why I had climbed to 1500 feet, instead of staying down at 600. The photos would have been a lot more detailed from the lower altitude--if I'd been able to complete the trip and post them here. If there's politics involved here, maybe it's that the Blackwater guys in Iraq are apparently getting paid about five times as much as our military people, are taking lower risks, have better equipment, and are not bound by the Geneva Convention or the Uniform Code of Military Justice. But no, that much is apparently fact, not politics. Your tax dollars at work--<I>that </I>might be political.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Kenneth Leonard - Apr 08,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Not your picture Don, I'm talking about the very long post by Robert. It's inflamitory political speech. I would think that is obvious and I would also think as the admin of the site, you'd encourage him to remove it. The link alone wouldn't be so bad. I have a lot of strong feelings about Blackwater as I've probably had more interaction with them than anyone here, but it doesn't belong on this site. Anyway, none else is complaining so I'll drop it.     
Chet Tims - Apr 08,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken.... I'll complain.....<br />Robert -- This BS belongs on the DNC site. Why would you subject your Searey brotherhood to this partisan 'report' on this site ??<br />Don.... Who is Sarah Swatosh ( author of the rant above ) ? Does she own a Searey?     
Eric Batterman - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, I can't wait to see your photo of St. Michaels, Maryland from 600 ft.     
Robert Lee - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I apologize if the above reporting offends anyone. I found it on a google search of Black Water and not through the web site in the included link. I never even looked at the link until now. Of all the items that came up in google, this was the first one I found that had any good info on who the actual owners are and some of their history. The story of these pictures does seem very political because Black Water itself is very political.<br /><br />Site administrators, please feel free to do with it as you please. The aerial view of this extremely large complex has made an impact on at least a couple of us and our tax dollars, I thought it was worthy of further information.<br />     
Rick Oreair - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    While I have very strong opinions on this matter, I do think that our stress levels (at least on this site) be limited to splash and dash related material. That's my opinion, and just like a butt hole, everyone's got one!     
Dave Martin - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I agree, there are other sites that appropriate for the commentary. Lets keep it off Splash &amp; Dash     
Paul Friddell - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I don't think political isssues have any place on this site. There are too many highly emotional opinions on all sides of the current political situation and if that leaks onto this site we loose the whole purpose and enjoyment of this vehicle. Lets stick to great pictures, splashing and dashing.<br />     
Don Maxwell - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but they don't say anything about bias. Some pictures do present a political bias--Picasso's 'Guernica,' for example, and the shot everyone knows of the little Vietnamese girl running, naked, from napalm--but most are merely pictures, and that's how I intended these of Blackwater: It's a private airfield in a swamp, not much different, really, from your average airpark.<br /><br />Last summer I posted some photos of a visit to a Blimp hangar. It's about 10 SeaRey minutes due south of Blackwater. The current owners were gracious, but wouldn't let me take pictures inside the hangar, except from one specific place, and then the guide made sure of which direction the camera was pointing. It could not be pointing at certain balloons housed in there because, he said, 'Some of our clients might be upset.'     
Chet Tims - Apr 09,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Gentlemen: I apologize for my mini-rant..... I should not have boiled over as I did....<br />I need to contribute more positive / informative items instead of the few which I have....<br />We've got a GREAT thing going here &amp; everyone's input is appreciated. I am going to make a special effort this summer to somehow make the trek to Florida and run into all of you guys....     

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