Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Smoke Trail
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2008
Description: The sun disappeared about an hour east of Quincy, IL, my destination that day. With a headwind, it was 9.9 hours from FCI to UIN.
Date Taken: Aug 6, 2008
Place Taken: Illinois
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: SunsetOnIllinois_MG_0924.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Read what others had to say:

Kenneth Leonard - Aug 12,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Don - did you fly 9.9 in a single day? Gosh, that's a long day in a noisy airplane.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    It was a long day, Ken. But the airplane wasn't nearly as noisy on this this trip--because I was conducting a 30-day money-back test of a Lightspeed Zulu headset. I'm keeping it.<br /><br />The Zulu made my SeaRey sound like an entirely different airplane than I was used to while wearing the Lightspeed QFRXCc 'Cross-Country' that I've been using for several years. The Zulu damps all of the low-frequency noise that sounds so throaty and resonant with the QFRXCc. It passes a bit more of the high-frequency noise, but keeps it well attenuated, and the overall effect--for me, at least--is a considerably more relaxing ride.<br /><br />Zulu has DIP switches for treble and base boost, but even my crappy hearing didn't need the treble boost to hear well. (I've since turned it on to hear even better.)<br /><br />It also has bluetooth with which to communicate with my cellphone. That not only works excellently for in-flight calls (where there's cell service), it also lets me listen to stereo music stored on the phone's micro SD card.<br /><br />The one downside to the bluetooth was that by the time I was an hour out of Quincy and tried to phone my host there, my phone battery was dead.<br /><br />The Zulu is awfully expensive--but it's a whole lot cheaper than more powerful hearing aids would be.     
Dennis Scearce - Aug 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    That's a pretty profound commentary, Don. Barbara complains about how noisy the Searey is and if I fly more than a couple of hours at a time my ears are full of crickets, even with the QFRXCc. Maybe I need to start saving my allowance for a Zulu. How many skins did you have to shell out for yours?     
Don Maxwell - Aug 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Well, there's the usual caveat, Dennis. And in this case it's compounded by my crappy hearing above about 1 kHz. I wear a pair of tiny digital hearing aids that help with that, but there's no telling how a Zulu would sound to anyone else. <br /><br />Except for Dennis Vogan. He also did the 30-day trial and decided to keep his. I tried his on at the Georgian Bay Gaggle. He seems to have good hearing, and told me that he likes the Zulu better than the QFRXCc.. Maybe he'll say something more about it.     
Mark Alan MacKinnon - Aug 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    But - I'm guessing not as expensive as a similar David Clark or Bose headset?     
Philip Mendelson - Aug 13,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I also, along with Joe Becker just traded our Lightspeed 30gs for the new Zulu.<br />All I can say is they are the best headset, I have ever used, including the Bose<br />and the David Clarks. The Zulus really quiet the clatter, and are very light weight.<br />In my book , money well spent.     
Jim Moline - Aug 14,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    I hope you overflew MOLINE IL. I have yet to visit my namesake city and look forward thereto.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 14,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Not this trip, Jim, but I have flown by there a couple of times. I've been meaning to land at Quad City SPB (i04), just for the fun of it, but haven't yet. It's right alongside Quad City International (MLI), but well below the runways. Supposed to have 100LL.     

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