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   Share your photos:    Everyone's a great photographer
Sep 16 (Mon) - Trying my 360 camera, Mike Walters
Aug 24 - Mars 1.jpg, Chris Vernon-Jarvis
Aug 23 - Mars 3.jpg, Dave Edward
Aug 23 - Mars 2.jpg, Dave Edward
Jul 10 - Cathy Babis on the way to Oshkosh, Dave Edward
Jul 09 - Jon gear .jpg, Don Maxwell
Jun 02 - Snug Harbour Restaurant dock, John Dunlop
Jun 01 - Cochrane Air Services Beaver.jpeg, Dave Edward
May 14 - Florida summer evening, Dennis Scearce
Apr 09 - Around Australia 2024, John Dunlop
News     -       Add |  View | Categories
    Keep your club or family in the loop -- share what's going on!
Sep 02 - Alan Williams down, Lake Meridian, Steve Kessinger
Aug 22 - August is server donation month., Dave Edward
Aug 13 - Hawaii Martin Mars fini flight, Steve Kessinger
Aug 10 - autopilot, D'Angelo, Kevin
Jun 29 - “Icon in Flat Spin,” UK’s Flyer Reported, Steve Kessinger
May 20 - 360 Degree Video, Don Maxwell
May 13 - Searey wheels down water landing, Russ Garner
Apr 15 - Sun n Fun 2024, Steve Kessinger
Apr 06 - Canadair CL-515 Viking Aircraft, Dave Edward
Mar 09 - LSX Typical max fuel capacity and max Gross Weight, Mike Wegner
File Cabinet     -       Add |  View | Categories
Nov 26,2016 - Pat Coyles.jpg, Rick Oreair
Jan 25,2016 - 20150626_132523_620.jpg, Shannon Moon
Nov 02,2014 - Formation with Daniel, Bob Kerrigan
May 10,2014 - Why I built a SeaRey, Thomas Alexander Bowden
History     -       Add |  View | Categories
Aug 02 - Martin Mars....Coulson Aviation, Dave Edward
Nov 01,2021 - D/H Beaver...History of an Iconic Workhorse, Dave Edward
Jan 30,2021 - The History of "Splash and Dash Seaplane Delights", Don Maxwell
Nov 08,2020 - Dan's trip to Maine (part 1), Jon Ladd
* Searey Info *     -       Add |  View | Categories
May 24 - Video: How to Avoid Wire Strikes, Don Maxwell
Jun 10,2023 - Searey instructors, Daniel Hayden
Classifieds     -       Add |  View | Categories
Aug 07,2023 - Whelen Wingtip Strobe/Anti-Collision Lights, Mark Hanneman
Dec 02,2022 - 4 Bulkhead Upright Tubes - Free, Jeff Courrier
Sep 27,2022 - Rotax 914 fuel pumps New n Box, Steve Kessinger
Jul 02,2022 - CLA BUILDER SPECIALS, John Dunlop
Site Photo     -  Florida summer evening
Daily Picture
Vineyards at Rotenberg in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (© Werner Diete
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